If you want to be in a cult, join WTS since that's what it is. It's conditional love that you see, one day you'll want to leave, you will loose all those people that supposedly love you, hell, stop your study now and 99% chance is that your "teacher" will also stop being your friends but will only call on you from time to time to get extra time in and to see if you're interested in re-starting your wts "bible study".
Do yourself a favor and examine their doctrinal evolution and see how many scandals they have in their closet within the short period of time they've been around. JWs are generally nice people but so are many church goers, and just like the other so called Christians, JWs also lie and cheat but they hide it better from others. If you want false friends, then you want JWs. It's all conditional, as long as you agree to conform to their ever changing teachings, and acknowledge governing body as being lead by Jesus and not question the teachings then you should be alright.
Oh BTW, did they tell you that Jesus isn't your mediator - so you want to be a Christian without Jesus as your savior? Funny thing is that most JWs don't even clue in that Jesus isn't their mediator - I didn't until I researched it. Fact is, that majority of JWs know very little about their own history but will repeat what the latest watchtower tells them which many times is stretched troof, or deception of facts. You have way bigger problems to worry about than 144k and a yearly memorial. I would recommend you check out for starters and then decide if we are too negative about wts.
BTW: Most of us don't have anything against individual JWs but it's the WTS that's the problem.