JW Personality used as an excuse....

by Anon_SA1 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anon_SA1
    I had a discussion with a current JW member of +- 30 years, we got chatting about how you can be sure your faith is right and what checks can be done.
    I then suggested looking at ex members view points and literature. Her response was her "I am not someone who takes initiative to look online at stuff, I doesn't feel my personality needs me look at outside view points" In summary she was saying her personality type is not interested in looking at other views. (I call it Lazy)
    Do you think i should just tell her she is in a destructive cult? maybe this will encourage her to take a look or think...
    Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions. I appreciate your input.
  • OneEyedJoe

    I get a similar response when I point out doctrinal flaws to my wife, "that's never been that important to me."

    I don't think it's a personality thing as much as defense mechanism. They sense a threat and come up with any reason they can to avoid it. Since jws are often pressed for time due to all the indoctrination sessions and busy work, the "it's a waste of time/effort/etc" excuse is an easy one.

  • nonjwspouse
    My indoctrinated since childhood husband has this same lazy" attitude, and it crosses into anything having to do with important life issues. Now if it has to do with his hobby, he researches the He!! out of it. So I fully believe it is a JW indoctrination personality that causes some to feel they "just can't" or just " don't like reading and researching", " I'm not like that, I don't need to research things". When it causes an uncomfortableness, then they go into the indoctrination mode of accepting they just " can't or don't". They are total hypocrites when they do that, yet are clueless of the reality of that behavior. Denial, ignoring, pretending...all come very easy to the indoctrinated
  • Oubliette

    Funny, they pound on stranger's doors wanting THEM to question their faith/beliefs, et cetera, but the average JW will absolutely NOT do the same thing themselves.

  • Bigdummy


    "Funny, they pound on stranger's doors wanting THEM to question their faith/beliefs, et cetera, but the average JW will absolutely NOT do the same thing themselves."

    That's because they already have the truth and don't need to look at anything else. Ahemmmm!

    I've wondered that same thing many times Oubliette. It makes my head hurt.

  • stuckinarut2

    EXACTLY as Oubliette said above!!!

    We have to face it. Witnesses are so Hypocritical!

  • sparrowdown

    Those who "get it" call it laziness, those who don't, call it loyalty and obedience.

    When I had sufficient motivation, (when I eventually got mad as hell at all the hypocrisy) I started researching my ass off. So glad I did.

  • Virran

    My fanatic-JW mom refuses to look up anything about anything I'm telling her about the falsehood of her "truth." She says everything is lies from apostates. Its like talking to a wall. And obviously it doesn't matter to her that the Bible tells us to research the prophets.

    But honestly, I don't think she even would know how to do research and to look up stuff like the origins of quotes or the NGO membership of the UN. She's not very educated or have much experience in anything. I also think that it doesn't matter to her anyways. She would be lost and alone without her cult. It doesn't really matter to me, she can have her play-pretend-life. What makes me mad is when she goes on about how us worldly people will die, very soon, probably even like next week (heard that since the early '80s) since we reject Gods organization.

  • steve2

    Well, that line of thinking has the virtue of being novel if nothing else. At least she's given some thought to explaining to you her disinclination to assess her faith. Hardly a credit to the calibre of her faith. On the other hand, give her some points for relative originality in excuse-making!

  • blondie
    Don't confuse me with the facts

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