Hello, I am also new here. Although my situation is a little different, I feel your anxiety. I was born in the truth, my entire family is JW's, and my daughters (which when they are with their father drills their little brains with JW teachings, something I will have to undo and work on little by little). My current husband is not JW and has supported me in every way.
I'm still holding on because of my parents, it would be a big deception and heart ace for them if I leave the org. I go to some meetings, some assemblies, have not preaches in years... but they still consider me part of the org. I agree with Cedars post about being patient and cautious about the comments that you make, even to your husband. I know the ideal situation would be for everyone to think for themselves and not let their minds be blinded, but you will be labeled an apostate if you are not careful. I have slowly talked to my daughters about certain things, but at the same time not showing rebellion. As far as my parents go, they are old and I think I will cause more harm then good by expressing my way of thinking to them, I do not think I could convince them at this point. That is why I have decided that with time, and as I slowly walk away from the org I will not share my true thoughts with anyone in the org. I personally don’t think it's worth risking my family’s relationship over trying to convince them. It's a big risk to take. It's so sad how a supposedly LOVING org, the TRUE org will stamp an APOSTATE stamp on your forehead, never to be removed, completely exiled just because you do not agree with their teachings. :(