Bill O'Reilly threatens to retire if his taxes are increased. This is the best reason yet for increasing taxes.
Bill O'Reilly to retire
by NewChapter 25 Replies latest social entertainment
LOL!! Hehe notice he left a very wide margin. He said "If Obama taxes me at 50%, and it could happen..............". First of all, we have a marginal tax system, so he would never be taxed at "50%". Second the only proposal I've heard is to raise top tax rates to Clinton levels, which I believe were 37%.
Sorry to burst your bubble NC
Yeah, they are talking about a few percentage points---but this is so devastating to him, he just can't go on. It's hardly worth working - - -I'm sure this will have a HUGE political impact.
Grandiose much?
O'Reilly -- he's quite a nasty piece of work from what I've seen of him. I don't get his show here, but I've seen him on other ones .... nothing is sacred to that man.
Did you see him interrupt his president 48 times during a 15 minute interview?
Nope! Whatever happened to 'respecting the office of the president' that he was ranting about whenever someone criticized GWB? hmmm ..
I'm surprised you didn't hear about that. To answer your question---he's simply a hypocrite. That's all. Fox news viewers CONSISTENTLY rate as the most poorly informed. The best thing that can happen to them is bellowing BillO stepping down.
Yah, that's the answer ....hypocrite
I had MSNBC for 3 months and really like this guy - Oberman? ... it's a 'premium' channel though, so I don't get it anymore.
Stewart really knows his stuff and can run circles around O'Reilly, and he too calm and persistent to let Bill shout him down. hehehe
MSNBC is not premium for me---weird. Anyway, Obermann has moved to CURRENT Tv, and still does his countdown show. I think it is a project that he and Al Gore brought together. It is still new, so there is a lot of repeat programming, but as time goes on, it should become quite interesting.
When I listen to Jon Stewart in interviews, I am just so impressed with how smart and well spoken he is. He calls bullsh** right to their faces, and he's a comedian. It always makes me smile.
: .... nothing is sacred to that man.
I'm certain the same thing was said of Jesus. By the Pharisees and Saducees.
I do hope you get the irony of my words and what it says about your opinion in this matter.
By the way, if you've ever bothered to read the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised if King George III said, "nothing is sacred to that man."