What will you do on the last day?

by Skimmer 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Skimmer

    What will you do on the last day? The last day of the WTBTS, that is.

    It may take a quarter century (I predict 2027), but the last day of the WTBTS is going to come sooner or later. Preferably sooner, of course. Anyway, when it comes, where will you be and what will you be doing?

    Personally, I will be in Brooklyn or Patterson or wherever the WTBTS elite makes its last stand as the lawyers and creditors make their final assault. With video camera in hand, I'll be recording the final collapse. I'll have a telephoto lens to get close-up shots of the not-so-smiling faces of the last remnant of "God's only true channel" so I can post them on the Internet as a cautionary tale for any who might try establishing a similar cult.

    Another idea would be to bid in bankruptcy court on various WTBTS assets. I could purchase disfellowshipping records and sell them to the individual victims so that they might sue the elders if legal grounds permit. I could go after various business records that showed tax evasion do that the authorities could go after the individual WTBTS elite who made the decisions. I could go after the WTBTS burial site in New York, exhume Freddie Franz' skull, and mount it in a toilet so I could piss on it every day.

    What will you do on the last day of the WTBTS?

  • ros

    She has fallen! Brooklyn the Great has fallen, has fallen ...

    "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true"--The Watchtower, 12/1/91 pg. 7

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I will be at home in front of my computer waiting for your live footage, with beer in hand, wearing my favourite slippers and eating potatoe chips.

  • Mindchild

    I'm probably going to be lying low hoping the cops don't catch me for what I helped do.


  • LB

    Pretty optomistic. I don't think there will be any collaspe in our lifetimes. It's a nice thought, but, they will stick around.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Skimmer

    Now that I think of it, getting the burial sites from the liquidation bidding would give me the right to all of the skulls of departed governing body members planted at the New York JW launch pad. I could make an entire osteophone (like a xylophone, but with skulls instead of wood). With a little computer assistance and some robotics, I could set up an automated player piano of sorts that could run all day banging out Grateful Dead tunes. It would be a great website.

  • Yadirf


    You're nothing more than a haughty buffoon who hasn't a good hold on reality. If you were to bet your life's savings on what you predict to happen regarding the WTS's future you'd wind up begging from the Salvation Army in order to have a pot to piss in.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Skimmer

    Woo-hoo! I got a reaction from Yadirf. Maybe I'll pay attention to you the day you start making posts that are worth reading.

    My predictions (again):

    2001: The end of WTBTS net growth in developed countries. (Fulfilled.)

    2006: The end of WTBTS net growth in the entire world.

    2027: The end of the WTBTS.

  • avengers
    with beer in hand,


    aya yippee, yippee yay.

  • metatron

    No need to leave your house to see the Watchtower's downfall.

    When Oral Roberts' giant hospital (that Jesus told him to
    build) went bust, it appeared in the columns of the Wall Street

    When "The Bible Speaks" church went bust, after losing a court
    case, its property appeared for sale in the WSJ.

    And finally, Ambassador College (Armstrong) went up for sale - once again
    in the pages of the Journal

    ... a great place to sell off the remains of dead religions


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