Well, we are the sum of our experiences.
HOW we deal with those expereinces is what makes us good people or "bad" people.
Children that are brought up as loving and peacefull and productive members of society, tend to be just that.
I teach my litle ones about love and respect and tolerance, about right and wrong, I teach them that we are all God's children and that we are all the same under God, that His love for US is like my love for them, unconditional and undying.
Teaching a child about love is not easy, it is for to east to fall into the "love only those the deserve it" thing and that tends t leave out those that NEED love the most to break those circles of hate and violence.
My little ones know that, no matter what, I love them and they also know that I will still get upset and punish them if theyr do something wrong but that won't effect my love for them at all.