Hofer: god created them to get rid of the vegetation he created earlier
Yep, they were landscapers...it's in the green bible.
by highdose 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hofer: god created them to get rid of the vegetation he created earlier
Aouw no not THIS question again!!!
The CORRECT answer is: "So we can have gasoline to go out in service with"...
"...because it would have caused confusion among the Israelites, etc ... As highdose observes, a simple mention that the world was for a long period dominated by huge beasts (or even lizards) would not have been too much for ancient man to get his head round, and it's not like they would have started saying "but where's the evidence?" because they had no idea of the concept of fossils back then. What DID do harm was omitting it, so that when the first fossils began to be uncovered people started saying "hang on, why is none of this in the bible?" ..."
And now for a slightly more serious answer...
Cedars stated:
"...because they had no idea of the concept of fossils back then. What DID do harm was omitting it, so that when the first fossils began to be uncovered people started saying "hang on, why is none of this in the bible?" ..."
Actually, the ancients probably had already FOUND fossils... They just didn't know what to make of them.
The ancient Greeks found mammoth, wooly rhino, and mastedon bones in their regions, just to name a few. The Israelites lived in an area where giant marine reptiles from the late Cretaceous period were found - Mososaurs, among others.
In the case of the ancient Greeks, they appear to have based their mythology upon these fossils. Many fossils were found at the sites of ancient Greek temples - and would you believe it? The IDIOT archaeologists of the late 19th century would THROW THESE FOSSILS AWAY whenever they ran across them while excavating Greek temples!!!!
I strongly suspect that the mythology of the "Nephilim" is based, to some extent, upon the mososaur fossils and other ancient sea-creature fossils that the Israelites found in their area - their attempts to explain these fossils may also have given credence to the global 'flood' mythology.
And now I'm off to find a video I posted some time back on the subject.
From Leolaia's thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/68224/1/The-enigmatic-mystery-of-the-Nephilim-the-Rephaim-and-the-Titans
Okay, I can't get the same videos from screwed up YouTube...
Just go to the above thread and look at my posts on page 2...
What is an acceptable amount of violence in nature for an all loving deity to create? Some things are vegetarian, some live off of waste, some live off of light. But then the rest rip out throats, hunt the young and the weak. Or lay their eggs inside the living so the larvae feast on the internal organs, saving the most vital ones for last to ensure the host survives as long as possible. If you think life is designed, then violence is built into the design of an incredibly large percentage of life. Did god not create the parasites? Why would something so specially designed to malign and kill in such an elaborate way suddenly be changed to be peaceful?
I believe I already stated that I don't know the answer. That this also in no way means that there is no answer. Only that I, personally, do not know the answer. Yet. But because I know God through His Son, then I trust that the answer is not that God is just "sittin' back and rootin' violence on".
Your first paragraph is what I was talking about, the apathy.
It isn't apathy not to know an answer. Nor is it apathy not to be bothered by not knowing an answer... nor because you trust in the One who does know the answer.
These questions aren't important, as long as you believe in the loving part of the story.
I never said the questions weren't important. I said the questions weren't a problem.
But what you don't realize is that love isn't a deity, it isn't some universal law or force. It's you. That compassion is yours. The universe is a cold amoral place, the earth is a chaotic violent sphere and it's digesting you. It's great to focus on love, but don't try to say that it's built into the universe or it's a defining characteristic of the way the earth was made, because you won't find it there. You find it in yourself.
If liove isn't in the universe, and I am in the universe, then how did I come to know love? How did anyone?
If liove isn't in the universe, and I am in the universe, then how did I come to know love? How did anyone?
A side effect of other evolutionary developments. Love is basically debris.
Love is a word humans made up. Like any other word. In the evolutionary path mates and offspring (families) had a better chance for survival by sticking together, protecting one another. It helped proliferate the species. As our brains grew and we became more conscious of our thoughts, we added deeper meaning to this survival essential.
Years later, ad agencies and Hollywood would use it to sell stuff, all the while creating unreasonable expectations on human (mammals) relationships.
BTW, I love that dino in the old green bible.
Gentlemen, I was responding to JH on this one, and I would like to wait to hear from him.
Shador might be offering answers to some of JH's points though... in how there could be brutality or parasites in the world, if a creator was loving. A side effect of evolutionary devolopments; a reaction to or from us for whatever reason... etc, etc... and any number of reasons I cannot even begin to imagine. Yet.
Unshackled, I agree that love is a word humans made up. The emotion however, is not. So however we define love, it is a real thing.
Hi Tammy...wasn't really directing or refuting anything you posted. Seen the love comments going and threw my two bits in. I'm turning into a bit of a fly-by poster as I try to ease back on JWN. We'll see how that goes.
What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me....no more. Okay...now I'm quoting Haddaway. Must. Step. Away. From. Keyboard. (The leaf blower dino is kinda cool though, right?)
Later Tammy...and indeed, peace to you as well.
Yes... gotta love the leaf blower dino ;)
... and now the song is stuck in my head, as well as a Night at the Robury (I'm missing a letter in that word, and can't find one to copy/paste)