So, one of the things that is catching me off guard is that I have forgotten how to pray.
As a JW we were all told to pray, but when we really look at it, the prayers are just as structured and mind numbing as those of the Catholic church reciting the rosary.
What caught my attention was Stephen at Act 7:59 where he calls on Jesus (not Jehovah) to receive him. He prayed to Jesus.
Yet, as a JW, the prayers you always here begin like this: "Jehovah God, our loving heavenly father..." and end in "in Jesus name, Amen"
I am finding that these opening and closing remarks are really thought stoppers/starters for JWs. And it disturbs me that something that should be the most intimate form of communication becomes this exercise in thought conditioning.
So now, I am trying to learn to pray again, and to break those old molds. And it is hard.