I wasn't going to get back in this but I can't sleep so I'm going to ask once again the question no truther has yet to answer intelligently: Why?
I am not a "truther" (what IS that, exactly?), dear Jeff T (peace to you!), but I think the "why" is answered in the "what" and "where": a very strategic location in relation to IRAN (and Syria and other)... enem(ies) of ISRAEL... which is believedto be CRITICAL... to "world peace." The ONLY place(s) where that could have been possible was Iraq... and Afghanistan. And, well, just look at where "we" are, now. Saudi Arabia wasn't a problem (or so we thought, but that's gonna change, as it is doing with Pakistan). While we claim "friendships" with Yemen and Oman... the "terrorists" coming from those countries apparently aren't buying it.
"We've" got problems with Somalia AND the Sudan... and now Egypt's ruler has fallen, Libya's ruler is being outsted, and Syria's is being told to also move out of the way.
Look at a map of the region, dear ones... and look at the history of the conflicts there... and the "interest" of the U.S. and Israel. Iran was (and still is) intent on invading Iraq... in order to set up an assault against Israel. And it is STILL developing weapons to do that. Hussein knew that his country was going to be invaded (unrelated to HIS invasion of Kuwait) and so tried to "posture" by buying yellow cake to make Iran think he had the capability to withstand an assault. The U.S. knew this (c'mon, Hussein was OUR "man"!)... and that he didn't have WMDs but only pretended in order to stand up against Iran.
"We" took advantage of that knowledge and accused him of developing WMDs (which "we" KNEW he didn't have... and KNEW Iran did)... because Hussein HAD TO GO. He was in the way... because his loyalties were UNPREDICTABLE. He was a "friend" (after the Iran-Iraq War; the U.S. backed Iraq)... until the U.S. refused to get involved when he accused U.S. "friend" Kuwait of stealing oil from Rumailia. So, he invaded and annexed Kuwait (resulting in economic sanctions)... attacked Israel in the process (note, Israel first attacked IT... in 1981... unilaterally and irrationally destroying a nuclear power plant that was given by the French for scientific research, but the Israelis weren't buying that)... thus making his relations with Iran, Al-Qaieda, and other anti-Israeli factions... unpredictable... and him an potentially VERY dangerous "enemy" of the U.S. And so, he had to go.
"We" had to go through the motions, though... which included getting the U.N. involved and the world all worked up... in order to criminalize Hussein to the world (his actions against his own people did that for them, but that really wasn't the world's problem... or responsibility. And for those who disagree, I have to ask you, if it IS the world's problem, at what point does Darfur... and various other SUB-Saharan issues become the "world's" problem??). By the time no WMDs were found (c'mon, U.S. intelligence doesn't MAKE those kinds of mistakes!)... folks all over were calling for his removal. "We" instigated that removal... and it wasn't just a removal from power (which would not have worked, because Hussein knew "too much" and would have ratted out U.S. operations in the region)... but had to be a literal removal... from the earth entirely.
I don't know how long some of you have been following what goes on around the world, but I've been doing it since the Vietnam war. I don't know why... perhaps because that era had such a profound effect on my life. My father did three tours... and lost a lot of friends... so I heard a lot of "talk" from the "inside" (meaning, people who were on the ground or close to the battles, including "in country"... when my dad and his friends got together). My father enlisted in 1947, so he also toured during the Korean War. His service was NOT compulsory but voluntary, so his comments were very interesting... and entirely different from those about Korea. From that time on, I tried to keep up, because I heard a LOT of distrust coming from the folks who were actually FIGHTING.
Some here may remember the Vietnam conflict... and how we were NOT all on the "up and up" there, either (i.e., Gulf of Tonkin... and who exactly were "we" backing, anyway? Supposedly, "we" were on Bao Dai's side, but then we jumped over to support Ngo Dinh Diem, who not only rigged his own election but began massacreing communists and dissidents AND killing Buddhist monks so as to replace them in office with his Catholic "brethren"... because of HIS support by the French, another U.S. "friend"...). While "we"... under Nixon... were illegally bombing Cambodia...
A LOT goes on, dear ones... away from the "seeing eye" of the mainland. And if you think the U.S. media is reporting with accuracy, I suggest you take a university-level journalism course. Because the TRUTH is that, while a war is in progress... ANY war, of ANY size, at ANY place in the world... involving the U.S.... the U.S. government controls the media. It is the law... resulting from the declaration of "clear and present danger"... and often puts the government... and media industry... at great odds.
Anyway... just a little background info. No, I didn't post references - sorry, but I'm not in school and so don't have to ascribe to those "rules." The information IS out there, though... I would exhort any who want to know what's really going on... to go back. As far back, perhaps, as before the granting of Israel "statehood" in 1948. There are a LOT of connecting dots that get missed when one tries to understand the conflicts experienced around the world today, solely from the perspective of what's taken place in that particular conflict. One must also consider events that often lead UP to them... to get a clearer picture of... why.
Again, peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,
SA, on her own...