In my opinion, if you dont think there was a conspiracy, your not a thinker. and not capable of critical thinking
Is that so? Not even capable of critical thinking? If I don't see it your way, and through much thought and critical thinking I conclude something different, I am not even a thinker? If that makes you feel better, go ahead and think it.
How about if I prove to you my ability to critically think? Would I then be a critical thinker worthy of an opinion? Do you think that any of us made it this far---to THIS site---without the ability to critically think? I see many holes in your theory--oops--I should just accept them and not critically think. I wonder why the video of the collapse of WTC 7 is shortened on conspiracy sites. Why it doesn't start until a few seconds after the left side starts to collapse before the rest, thereby shooting a hole in the uniform demolition theory. Oh, but I can't critically think. All I need is your highly edited video and your explanation of what it means.
Why DO conspiracy theorists find the need to edit out those first few seconds? WHY? hmmmm WHY? I can't critically think---so I leave it to you.