ssn587 I think you are not being angry, I believe you are being right. You say "they seem to disappear". I think for some who disappear, it is not because of hypocrisy but they may be being true to "Let You Will Be Done".
I shall tell a story, it really happened, it's called evidence.
I did something improper in the field service. Somebody reading this might recognize me. Hi! The sister in my hall where I was, not the hall I "faded" from, was a busybody in other people's affairs. As God is Judge, I am not exaggerating. She was also in good standing as a pioneer and an elders wife, I don't understand it either, but you learn not to question Jehovah's Will. She said something in field service to me implying that my sadness for what my family was going through (the usual disagreement stuff that sometimes turns nasty), was my fault. We had just finished the book of Job, I am a thinking person, so stunned is how I felt. I snapped. (Job was he who was blamed for his problems by something he must have done wrong, by his friends he was blamed). I thought she was doing the same thing to me. I did not like it. Not entirely because she was unchristianly attacking me, but she had been a "Bible Student" most of her life (at the time she might have been pushing 50). All the "how come people just don't get it?" came rushing in to my brain, so I slapped her. It made her cry so I said "I'm sorry". There were witnesses, one sister and two brothers. So as I went along on this journey cause by a milisecond of rage, they called it. Anyway, to make a long story short nobody sided with me (publically-I can't read hearts), and nobody even once tried to get me off the THOUGHT TRAIN I was thrust into. ( That episode of my life made me realize that I am indeed bi-polar). The important part of the judicial decision against me that I should share for a more clear understanding of events is, she was not restricted or censored one bit. Weirded huh? OK I shall explain I am for JUSTICE. I like it! Explained When two sisters fight , even if only one gets physical, they both must be disiplined. Might I add, in whatever many years it was my first offence of anything. I didn't punch her, and it was not in the face. I'm basically a nice person.
I have a point. If the Jehovah's Witnesses have God's Spirit to do His will, where were they to lend support to me? Has the world really gone far away from real? And if so, why is that a good thing?