You gotta admire the skill manifest in the Watchtower's deception skills. Don't kid yourself, even the Gestapo, in internal documents found after the war, found the magazines to be well crafted in the field of propaganda.
The latest deceptions? Well, there's the Nov. Awake magazine with its cover asking, "Is Belief In A Creator Reasonable". Of course, the article goes on with the usual nonsense about design and features attractive graphics to add authority to its silly belief.
But, truthfully, the correct answer is No!, it is not reasonable to believe in the common notion of a Creator. The reason why is simple:
Guinea worms
Tyrannosaurus Rex
And any other 'well designed' horror of nature you can think of.
If you say, "maybe Satan did those" , you've just contradicted the idea of God as Creator in favor of the Devil ( hey, welcome to the Gnostic faith!) or if you say 'They adapted, somehow", you've just attributed their "wonderful" bloodthirsty "design" to evolution, so what do you need a personal Creator for, anyway? (I'm a Pantheist)
Oh, but wait.... there's more!
Take a look at the Oct 1 Watchtower in which it makes the claim that some Readers of these monthly 'pulp fictions' asked, "Should Infants Be Baptized?". Now, of course, I don't know anyone (and you probably don't either) who actually wonders about this "softball query" but it might have the purposed effect of "innoculating" dim-bulb Witnesses (often redundant) against the REAL QUESTION THAT DRIFTS THRU THE BACK OF MANY MINDS WITHIN THIS CULT, NAMELY, "Should children, minors and teenagers be baptized, as opposed to adults?"
This way, various Witnesses can tell themselves," We covered that last question in the, I think" and being otherwise mentally lazy, will never catch on to the perverse use of baptism as leverage against teenagers, "in the bloom of youth" and hormonally incapable of making any adult commitment.
Yep, these broad-gauged deceivers know their craft.