Witnesses Ban gambling using no Scriptures only stupid logic...it's greedy! What?

by Witness 007 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    There is no Scripture that ever said "thou shall not gamble." The bible NEVER mentions gambling. Yet it's a Disfellowshiping sin. Witnesses use twisted logic like....."it's greedy and selfish"...that's it!!! An Elder working 6 days a week when he's already rich is greedy and selfish so where is the Watchtower Police? This is total nonsense.

  • DesirousOfChange

    But petty gambling among friends such as a poker party is harmless fun and should not be treated in the same manner as something as serious as buying a (that's right!) LOTTERY TICKET!

    The elders do well not to involve themselves in what individuals do with regard to petty gambling solely for entertainment . They may need to give counsel if this becomes a cause of stumbling for others or affects the spirituality of the individual or the congregation.

    So if it's the PRINCIPLE involved, what determines "petty". If I can afford to risk $500 (say, a day's pay) on a roll of the dice, is that "petty" for me, but not for you if you get government financial assistance? Who decides?


  • N.drew

    Governing Body has an interesting problem. Masterbation is out because it leads to fornication. But petty gambling is in because it does not lead to problem gambling? Interesting. I think they might be wrong.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Bethel brothers have gotten in trouble for playing poker with cookies......but I'm thinking based on WHAT scriptures is this a sin, such thin poor reasoning.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    The elders do well not to involve themselves in what individuals do with regard to petty gambling solely for entertainment.

    A relief to lots of old ones in the U.K. who play 'Penny Bingo' at Tuesday Clubs etc.


  • blondie

    This comment was even made. Not even keep score!!!!!!!!!

    *** w02 11/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***Christians who enjoy board or card games as recreation would be better advised to keep a penciled score or to play the game simply for fun without keeping score.


    That would be like telling all jws that because a few jws have trouble with alcohol, that all jws should all never drink again............Fat chance.

  • PaintedToeNail

    I never could figure out why buying a $1 lottery ticket was considered greedy or wrong. There are many brothers who are greedy when they go to a restaurant with an all you can eat buffet...plate after plate of greasy chicken, spaghetti or desserts...and this seems OK.

  • red21

    I knew a sister that would gamble but she thoroughly enjoyed the fact that her non-Witness husband HAD won some lottery money. I guess she had an out and could say it wasn't her money. Now and days, I buy lottery tickets all the time and have won $1,200 and I am sure I have won more than I have lost. However, I am old enough and responsible enough to only play with what I can afford to lose.

  • GLTirebiter
    I never could figure out why buying a $1 lottery ticket was considered greedy or wrong.

    Because that $1 could have gone toward The World-Wide Work, instead of supporting the Government who would spend it furthering their evil agenda, such as education!

  • Snoozy

    They only complain if you don't donate the winnings to them..



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