Well, after hours of chat online via yahoo messenger and emails back and forth via my youtube channel, I almost successfully de-converted a young woman in California from the borg. Or is it the "soc"? Which is the more correct asinine term these days?
Anyway she was listening to everything I had to say, I was really making some good points of stride by pointing out all the people on my lists that I know that are not religious but are charitable and kind, and sending her lots of email contacts of fellow women I know who are ex-religious that no longer fear what will happen if they just drop it all together. Barbecues and beach trips, etc, getting out to enjoy nature, white water rafting, all kinds of people I put her in touch with to get back to reality...
At one point though, the line went dead on the skype, her phone which she usually answsered on the first ring took four rings before I got "she doesn't want to talk to you anymore, don't call here again or we're going to call your local police" - Elder pitch?
Do Elders make surprise visits to single JW women in the early 20's? If so, why are men stopping by these women's homes like that and taking control of their electronic equipment??