I don't know how to answer. My parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents, etc. were all Bible Students and JWs. My father and uncles were at Bethel until late marriages. I received a more nuanced message at home than most Witnesses. Yes, you better behave. God's law. He was spiteful yet they also taught us not to trust any men, esp. Bethelites. Jesus was head of the church, not Rutherford or Knorr. The Bethel crowd were useful in disputes. We were aloof from the KH.
I always hated it. The boredom for a child is unbearable. My RC neighbor kids taught me about Jesus at the playground. The nuns were mean but the Catholic Jesus sounded better than the JW one. I always did well at school. My parents let me move ahead. My father was abusive and suddenly decided to pull me out of high school. I made an appt to see the principal to go to a foster home to finsih high school and college. My father died. I refused to go to one more meeting. They had to call the Newark police and have the police take me to KH. No more KH.
I start college. To balance my course load, I take a class on the New Testament by a very young professor. We must read the Bible in consecutive verses plus the assigned secondary material. I do the assignment. No more fear of Witnesses. <u academic Christian work is so exciting that I want to go to seminary. The problem is I must learn Koine Greek while struggling with basic French. I decide law school might be better.
I graduate law school and practice. Over the course of time, I become Anglican but a very nuanced Anglican. It is hard to figure out their doctrine b/c they don't believe in doctrine so much. It blows my mind. The priests and I laugh about how it fries my mind. I become ill. The bishop agrees that I would make a fine canonical lawyer so he intercedes so I can audit seminary classes.
I am heavily influenced by Jewish thought. Let us face it. I am a New Yorker stereotype. It appears I have no beliefs that are not adopted by all New Yorkers. I travel the Bethel line subway train so I spot Bethelites and flirt with them. Too afraid of other men to flirt.
My prof won a MacArthur Award. She now teaches at Princeton and write academic and popular works on the NT. Her latest book was hyped on NPR a few months ago. I should write her a short note telling her how important reading consecutive verses was to my life.