Thanks, Blondie.
Two things bothered me with today's study.
1) Necessary Business: Act 6:1-3 uses that term. It refers to" Necessary Business", when speaking about the 7 Certified men. These men were appointed to help with distributing food and serving the needs of the widows in the first century. There was no mystery on how they would interpret this term. However, in Modern Days, in the days where the FDS have found is necessary to make adjustments, refinements, they have mistified this term. They do so with accusing families of DF's relatives in missusing this provision. How harse it is to rub into their faces, that were it back in Moses day, their relatives would be stoned. I think that they are taking a hard stand on DF people, and are afraid that they will lose more, so they are missapplying, or redefining this phrase. They are trying to retract that phrase.
2) It like the Higher Education article. I remember when it first came out quite some time ago. When it first came out, it stated that Higer Learning was only to be pursued if the person was doing so to Pioneer. Then, they found out that this wasn't happening. Now they took it back. Now you face congregational criticism if anyone pursues this course. Even those whose parents are serving in some congregational capacity face punishment.
Refining indeed. It's more like a control mechanism. How gullible some are in swallowing this.