Philly Phest - I

by Mister Biggs 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I apologize if this is too last minute for everyone who is interested in coming, but it appears that this Saturday evening is a good time (for most of you) to have our first annual Philly Phest.
    Holler if you are interested in attending and your name is not on the list below. However, if your name is on the list below, please confirm if you can or cannot attend. flower has been kind enough to offer herself in setting the reservations at a seafood restaurant. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] for additional information.
    The List
    Confirmed attendees are highlighted in green
    badwillie and wife

  • DIM

    biggs -

    we can't make it saturday night, my mom is having a sort of open house at her home to say goodbye to my wife and I.....then we are heading down to pollyesthers one last time late that night. man, this sucks! i hope it goes good for everybody...

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Dag, DIM! I was really hoping you both could be there. :o(
    You already know my true identity, right?

  • badwillie

    Thanks Biggsy and Flower. Sorry DIM can't make it ;-(
    Badwillie & Wife are in. Wife is working Sat, but gets off at 5:00.
    ..mmmmm seafood....

  • flower

    DIM, got a question for you...I'm going to email you shortly.

  • siegswife

    Rats! I have to work Saturday night...maybe next time. Sieg and I need a fun night out and I can't think of many better ways than to spend some quality time with apostates. LOL

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I'm sorry that you and your hubby can't make it, siegswife.
    Maybe we'll arrange a Philly Phest - 1a.

  • ashitaka

    Bloody hell, dude!!! I'd love to go but I already have plans. Why don't you arrange it for another time soon?

    I'd love to come, but just need a little more advanced notice. My wife is doing stuff for my sisters wedding this weekend, and I'm working overtime into the early morning saturday, I probably won't go to bed until noon saturday, and might not even get back up till late Saturday night.

    Can we do it another weekend soon? And, DIM, sorry we couldn't get together, I wanted to meet you.


  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Man, ashitaka!
    We will definitely have to have a 1a Phest.
    Thanks for responding!

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs


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