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by Atlantis 68 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Teary: The interpretation of JW's of those scriptures is far different (far more extremist) and very much out of context than most scholars and even the historical first century Christians.

    Read the whole book and then tell me, to whom was this written to, who was he talking about and also take into context similar verses in other books and does that match the description that current-day JW's give to EVERYONE that is NOT ACTIVE IN AND NOT IN FULL AGREEMENT WITH EVERYTHING the WT organization and the Governing Body (not the Faithful & Discreet Slave) says?

    The bold parts are important as that is what JW's think an apostate against Christ is. Were there not disagreements in the 1st century? Were there not different substreams in the Christian congregations? Was there ANY evidence of a CENTRAL GOVERNING BODY going over EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of the faith and doctrine?

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    "@Teary: The interpretation of JW's of those scriptures is far different (far more extremist) and very much out of context than most scholars and even the historical first century Christians."--Anony

    The interpretation of those Scriptures seems perfectly in line with Paul's attitude. Paul did not tolerate people in his congregations teaching different doctrine, period. He says that repeatedly and explicitly, and even mentioned throwing several people out of the congregation because of it. You can deny those simple facts all you want, but that doesn't change reality.

    "If any man teaches other doctrine and does not assent to healthful words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, nor to the teaching that accords with godly devotion, 4 he is puffed up [with pride], not understanding anything, but being mentally diseased over questionings and debates about words. From these things spring envy, strife, abusive speeches, wicked suspicions, 5 violent disputes about trifles on the part of men corrupted in mind and despoiled of the truth, thinking that godly devotion is a means of gain." (1 Tim. 6:3-5)

    "Just as I encouraged you to stay in Eph′e·sus when I was about to go my way into Mac·e·do′ni·a, so I do now, that you might command certain onesnot to teach different doctrine," (1 Tim. 1:3)

    "But shun empty speeches that violate what is holy; for they will advance to more and more ungodliness, 17 and their word will spread like gangrene. Hy·me·nae′us and Phi·le′tus are of that number. 18 These very [men] have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already occurred; and they are subverting the faith of some." (2 Tim 2:16-18)

  • sir82


    Do your pals over at know you've signed up to post on an "apostate" board?

    1 Timothy 6:4 (Common English Bible)

    "They don’t understand anything but have a sick obsession with debates and arguments."

    1 Timothy 6:4 (Contemporary English Version)

    "...they don't really know a thing. Their minds are sick, and they like to argue over words."

    1 Timothy 6:4 (Darby Translation)

    "...he is puffed up, knowing nothing, but sick about questions and disputes of words,"

    1 Timothy 6:4 (English Standard Version)

    "He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words,"

    1 Timothy 6:4 (New American Standard Bible)

    "...has a [a]morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words,"

    Footnote [a]: is sick about

    1 Timothy 6:4 (New Century Version)

    "...but is sick with a love for arguing and fighting about words."

    Compare to the first post here:,52983,page=2

    Same translations in the same order.

    Don't get me wrong, we're glad you're here!

    Others may not look so favorably on it though.

    Or do you think your faith is strong enough to go toe to toe with a bunch of apostates?

  • straightshooter

    Thanks for the correspondance from the WTS.

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    "Compare to the first post here:,52983,page=2

    Same translations in the same order.

    Don't get me wrong, we're glad you're here!

    Others may not look so favorably on it though.

    Or do you think your faith is strong enough to go toe to toe with a bunch of apostates?"--sir82

    Thank you sir82, for providing a practicle example of the lack of critical thinking skills and the tendency to jump to wild conclusions by the anti-Witness crowd here.

    The info is the same, so that automatically means that the same person must have written it under different aliases? Silly.

    Teary is a drafter by trade, and drafters are by nature lazy. Why draw the same thing over and over again from scratch when you can draw it once, pull the old drawing into your new drawings and then just tweek it slightly? Similarly, why waste time writing the same thing over and over again when you can just write it once and reuse it and tweek it when needed?

    Teary has used that Scripture list on several sites. It is not unlikely that somebody simply liked it, copied it and used it for themselves (like on the link you provided). And in fact, the most likely option, since Teary already knows that he himself did not post the list there.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Hey Teary, In typical JW style you highlighted the words that go with your interpretation. As I said take the context into mind:

    "If any man teaches other doctrine and does not assent to healthful words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, nor to the teaching that accords with godly devotion

    There are plenty of JW dissenters that believe they do follow the words of JC and have Godly devotion yet they are marked as apostates.

  • sir82


    Oh I wasn't accusing you of being the author of that list.

    I just found it interesting that you are familiar with that discussion board. Given your apologetics here, it seems likely that you are a member there.

    Whether or not you are a member of that list, "evidently" you are a JW in good standing.

    I merely wished to point out that you are violating the principles laid out in that 7/15/11 Watchtower. Apparently you don't like being told by the GB, or at least the Writing Committee, what you should and should not do.

  • 00DAD


    I'm with sir82 on this one when he says of you, "Apparently you don't like being told by the GB, or at least the Writing Committee, what you should and should not do."

    Guess what, neither do we. We also don't like YOU telling US what to do. Get the clue.


  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    It's been 24 hours, in typical JW fashion, after making a valid argument against their viewpoint, the arguer disappears. He used to post here every 3 hours but he can't argue against his own quoted texts taken into context? Typical.

  • factfinder


    -thanks for the link to all those letters!

    if you come by anything giving info on the society's printing operations or literature production I'd be very interested in reading it! Thanks!

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