After having faded 12+ years ago, finally decided to DA my-self. I haven't done it before, mainly because the JWs have left me alone and have family that are heavily into the religion cult. In recent weeks I've had the "in" family go off the deep end with their actions increasing being rediculous. I assume it's the latest WT pendilum swing to scare the lemmings into not associating at all with the faded/inactive. Someone might see and get the wrong idea or...whatever.
So I decided to take the plunge and DA. I wrote a very articulate letter to my old congregation stating "generic" enough reasons why I am DAing even though I haven't been active in 12+ years. Who knows if the elders that are there are still the same. Actually felt pretty good sending that letter; releasing that last stranglehold the WT has on me. Curious if anyone has DA'd this way...should I expect a couple elders knocking on my door on Saturday?
It's like a wight has been lifted from my shoulders. Refreshing.