I have recently had the misofortune of being involved in the revealing of a child molestation case. My wife's niece recently came forward about being molested approximately 5 years ago by someone holding responsibilities in her congregation. My in-laws found out the same day as we did. They went straight to their elders (in a different town)and we encouraged the mother of the child to go straight to the police. This was difficult, as the accused was a dearly loved friend of ours who had overcome some serious trials in his own life and transformed himself into a respectable human being. Anyhow the out of town elders contacted the local elders immediately. The local elders no doubt contacted HQ, and then went straight to the police BEFORE THE MOTHER EVEN MADE IT TO THE POLICE. I see lots of statements on this DB and others that it is WT policy to conceal these people but that has not been my personal experience. Within 2 weeks the man was arrested and I believe he goes on trial today.
Then what is the WT child abuse policy....
by amccullough 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
excellent story, thanks for providing it.
They're finally learning...
The publicity since last year is certainly in part responsible for the elders going to the police. -
That is a great story...unfortuantly this does not happen often.
Please read the Silentlambs web site.
Its easy enough to see if a person is going on trial for being a molester. Who is the person and in what juridiction are they being tried? Its also easy enough to come up with such a story without giving us more than that to go on. It reminds me of something Ms Cleo would say to a psychic phone caller, vague to say the least. Call me now!!!!!
District Overbeer
Valis- This man has yet to be convicted and I do not wish to reveal his name or locale by chance that he is not found guilty. I have not spoken with my niece personally about her experience, so I am going off the faith of others that her statement seems accurate. On top of that, I have no idea who you are and have no need to prove my story to you. It doesn't matter to me if you believe it or not. I stated it because I have repeatedly heard that the WT conceals child molesters and that has not been my experience. I would be interested in hearing from you on how easy it is to find out the results or whether or not someone is being tried. If there is anything that beats fishing the local paper each day I would appreciate it.
Puffs - I have read SilentLambs website. How do you know this does not happen often? I don't know if it does or doesn't. That website caters to those who feel they have been wronged by the WT, so any cases that were taken care of promptly or that wished to remain concealed won't be part of that site. In addition, since much of the material are testimonials to the fact, we don't know the entire situation and should reserve judgement.
Well amccullough, I can go from experience....
My mother was molested by her father. Her paternal grandfather was one of the annointed. He did nothing. He did nothing when my 3 aunts were molested by their father. It was the 50's, however, child molestation is not a new crime.
My "annointed" great-grandfather did nothing. He said my mother and her sisters were lying. He was highly regarded in the organization, being around since 1914. He had the elders blessing to tell my mother she was a lying tramp.
I am disgusted that one "story" of a JW being prosecuted makes you think that the dubs are not covering up the issue.
Wake up!
Hello amc,
Nice to meet you and welcome to our forum. You didn't indicate which country you live in - which is of prime importance as the WTBTS has different rules for each country, and in the USA - different rules for each state.
For instance, in Britain, the elders are told to report to the police because that's the law there. In the USA, the elders are told to do what the states require - no more.
So, in Britain, the WTBTS protects their children of faith better than in some states of the USA.
Who knows what the WTBTS does in other nations, such as South Africa? Just depends. They value their children of faith dependent on how that nation values children. If the nation holds little value on children - so does the WTBTS.
Absolutely not a united caring for children from a united brotherhood.
Well, I'm definitly glad things are how they're supposed to be somewhere in the JW's.
Could this be a beacon of hope for molested kids in the Borg? I hope so. They're already in a bullshit religion, the least their parents can give them is the protection they deserve.
Perhaps true reform (of the abuse policy) is coming soon.
amccullough You don't have to prove anything to me, but most of us who post here have heard the gammut of people claiming things, and ALWAYS declining to give details out of some privacy hang up. Even if we had the city the person was to be tried in, cases that are on a court's docket, are public record. Besides, anyone who puts themselves in a postition where they are accused of child molestation should be willing to make a public stand in thier own defense. Unless of course they are guilty and should be castrated or worse. JWs make public stances on everything else, blood, the flag, the millitary, holidays, etc..why not the fact they they aren't guilty of such a crude and offensive act? The whole problem with many many churches has been the right or parishoners and priests to hide behind the religious veil, while child molesters participate in church activities all the while. If you really think that all the stories Silentlambs has compiled, as well as others, are false witness against the WT then you are just as deluded as the WT itself.
District Overbeer