I see nothing wrong with the recreation building and pool they will be building at Wallkill Bethel
The brothers there work full time as volunteers. How many who complain about the recreation building would work full time for about $100.00 per month?
They should be compensated in some small way-so I think they deserve to have the pool and sports building. I don't have a pool-but I don't care. I don't work for over 40 hours a week for free like they do. The stipend must cover their travel expenses to and from meetings and Fs, their clothes and and anything else they may want to buy, or if they want to go out to see a movie or out to eat sometimes.
There is no "Country Club." I am surprised and dismayed at how innacurate depictions of what the society is building gets spread around and how people are quick to criticize. There is nothing wrong with providing a pool and some recreational facilities for the brothers who work for free at Bethel. Its the least the society can do for them.