That remark, "the messenger deserves to be shot" brings to mind the 'hate' remarks the Society has used in the past, without hesitation. For example,
" order to hate what is bad a Christian must hate the person with whom the badness is inseparably linked." (W 7-15-61- p420)
-- And --
"...a Christian must hate (in the Biblical sense of the word) those who have inseparably attached themselves to the badness." (W 10-1-93 p19)
The real problem with these remarks is that the WTS considers anyone who has left the organization, even for good reasons, or who disagrees with any Watchtower teaching, to be "inseparably linked to badness", and must therefore be "hated".
Even though such strong language isn't always used, the seitiment of 'hating the person' is clearly there, as recent 'mentally diseased' articles show.
Sadly, this rubs off on Jehovah's Witnesses who are constantly subjected to this kind of rhetoric. The result is that otherwise good people end up making viscous, hateful, remarks like those Barbara received.
Being away from the Watchtower is sooo refreshing!