The WT also teach that your life should still be filled with rules, regulations and principles which arnt found in the bible. Jesus asks his followers to follow only 2 laws.
Can we make a list? What does the WT really teach me about Jesus?
by Fernando 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jesus has been fired by the WBTS for failing to follow orders from the Watchtower for the last 100 years. 7 old men now hold his job.
jonathan dough
They teach incorrectly that the preincarnate Word was created, not eternal, not God the Son, but a created angel. That Jesus on earth was just a man, nothing more. That he is mediator of the New Covenant which is temporary, not eternal, and is soon to expire, and applies only to the so-called 144,000 anointed JWs. They claim the Second of Coming of Christ occurred invisibly in 1914. They teach that Jesus is, and was, not God, the God-man which is the hypostatic union.