Folks, I almost feel silly creating this thread, but I think I must do it based upon comments by folks who think the various governments in the USA can make any legally enforceable laws they want.
They cannot!
In the USA we have a Republic. We do not have a democracy. There is a huge difference and that huge difference favors a Republic. In our Republic, we have a Constitution, a supreme document, a document that is over, trumps, overrules ANY and all contrary laws that are passed in Congress, the States and all the little bullshit communities in the States and any little bullshit laws they pass that violate the laws in the Constitution.
Our Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, and NOTHING passed by ANY government in the USA is above it. The only exception is an amendment to it, and that is very difficult to achieve.
The only worry we should have is if some law is passed that violates the powers given by the Constitution and no one does anything about it. If that happens enough times, the Constitution is just a piece of paper, and our Liberties are lost.