Sugar: The Bitter Truth (YouTube)

by leavingwt 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    This is an interesting presentation.

    Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin.

    (NOTE: There is also a link beneath the video, on its YouTube page, for downloading the video for offline viewing.)

  • WTWizard

    Real sugar isn't as bad as some of the alternatives. What I really worry about is a substance called "high fructose corn syrup". This can go by the name "corn sugar"--it's the same stuff. Crystalline fructose is as bad. High fructose corn syrup makes you fat, bypasses the hunger mechanism, and is often contaminated with heavy metals like mercury. This stuff is bad for the liver, which has trouble metabolizing it. Regular sugar isn't nearly as bad.

    Even worse are the artificial sweeteners. Aspartame and its cousin Neotame (which isn't even listed on the labels) are the worst. These poisons will ruin your brain, often giving you seizures, headaches, and can lead to Alzheimers. Monosodium glutamate is a cousin of aspartame and does the same thing. Sucralose and acesulfame K both harm your liver. If you have to use artificial sweeteners, saccharin appears the safest. Stevia is even better. If you use xylitol, that is as good--just don't let your dog get any.

    Here in the United Tyranny of Stupidity (formerly, the United States of America), high fructose corn syrup is common. Virtually everything processed has it--even tomato soup. It is common in soft drinks, juice drinks, many candies, ketchup, pickles, stuffing, many pancake syrups, cookies and crackers, many "healthy(??)" cereals, spaghetti sauces, and numerous dessert mixes. I believe it is very common in most countries--those of you in New Zealand, I have heard, will have a much harder time finding high fructose corn syrup in your food than elsewhere. And, with the backlash against high fructose corn syrup, I predict "corn sugar" will be the next big additive--"No high fructose corn syrup" on the front in big letters, "corn sugar" in the ingredients in the back.

  • leavingwt

    More information about the speaker, including his email address.

  • PSacramento

    Being lazy doens't help, nor does the stigma ( for some boys in some cultures) of being "thin /small".

  • LV101

    leavingwt: --- THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR this video/INFO!!! i'm going to take time and really listen to this. i never abused sugar trying to be 4 sizes smaller than my body frame/genetics (stupid!) but with age, etc., things turn on ya and you can't eat the same garbage. i think the aspartame turned on me and i had to ween myself off of the poison --- OMG!

    thanks, again.

  • MeanMrMustard

    This is very interesting!

  • botchtowersociety

    I'd much rather consume cane sugar than aspartame.

  • leavingwt

    I'd much rather consume cane sugar than aspartame.

    In this video, the doctor argues that there is NO DIFFERENCE between cane sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. He argues that they are equally bad.

    He argues that the problem goes way beyond sodas being merely empty calories. He says our bodies treat fructose in the same manner that it treats poison, such as ethanol.

  • MeanMrMustard


    Have you seen "Fat Head"? It is a follow up to "Supersize Me" ... but whereas Supersize Me was based around "fast-food-is-bad", Fat Head argues almost the same thing as what this doctor is saying - that it's not the fat, its the sugar. It was on Netflix a while back, but I don't think there is a free version on the internet.

    Here is the link to the trailer, though:



  • leavingwt


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