I've Run Out of Stuff
by Farkel 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sometimes all that you have to say is said and that is it - no more. You've worked through what you need too and now it is done.
So be it, rest in it and chill.
Farkel Run out of stuff! That's not an excuse to stop posting.
Just do what most of us do, recycle the same old nonsense that we have been churning out for years.
No one will notice the difference.
Lady Lee
To be honest Farkel I sometimes feel the same way.
What I have realized is that the more I read the more I have to say. It's like allowing the info in to rumble around in my head will finally come out in some form or other.
I'm actually quite surprised that the "mentally diseased" phrase hasn't forced you into an attack on that little nugget.
You'll run out of stuff when the WT finally crumbles - and then there's the aftermath.
I understand what you're saying though.
I was posting as a drunken idiot last nite, but from the heart. Don't know whether to type this: :) or this: :(
okay, Farkel, go ahead ,,, make a snappy comment ... I will lurv it!!!
come on, make me laugh