It was soon after this debacle and her failed teevee show that she jumped the shark and went away.
Her calls on her radio show had a formula. Some dopey clueless woman would call and Dr. Laura would rip her a new one telling her to lose the guy or situation that was screwing up her life. A variation of that was the woman had a clue and would ask Dr. Laura about a course of action and the good Dr. would rubber stamp that choice. About a week of her shows and you had pretty much heard it all.
She got knocked off her moralizing peg when some dirtbag web site owner obtained nudie pics of her from the 1970's and put them on the site for the world to see her very retro look. I will not start this thread on to the path to get it locked, but will only say two words. Weed whacker.
Oh yeah, her son Derek, I was wondering when he would come out on the cover of Blue Boy magazine.