Awen, I am a "Don't know" person too. It gets really frustrating at times too, as I'm sure you are aware. All I can say is to search your heart, and be open to other viewpoints. Actually, Aguest has a very strong faith, and her reasoning on things makes one think about things relating to God and to life in general. She has caused me to think again about a relationship with God, but I am still at the point that I just still "Don't know" about things, but at least I am considering the idea again because of her.
Just know that you are not alone, and that many of us are "In the same boat". This board can be a good place, as there are so many different viewpoints you will be able to read about and come to some conclusions. Just be patient, and don't expect answers to come to you overnight.
I wish you the best on your search!