by hawkaw 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • dungbeetle

    You all be rocking' NOW!!! ((((hawkaw)))

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

  • hawkaw

    Okay boys and girls ....seeing Fred just got out of school I thought I would give you an idea of what Fred learned today in class. Now this is important to help in the learning ability of our little ones like Fred. So are we ready boys and girls??? .... Okay ... here we go ....

    ... The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town

    The change on the bus goes ching ching ching, ching ching ching, ching ching ching. The change on the bus goes ching ching ching, all through the town

    The wipers on the bus go swoosh swoosh swoosh, swoosh swoosh swoosh, swoosh swoosh swoosh. The wipers on the bus go swoosh swoosh swoosh, all through the town

    The driver on the bus goes move on back, move on back, move on back . The driver on the bus goes move on back all through the town.

    Wasn’t that fun boys and girls?


    p.s. - Zev I will mail you shortly. Dung you are my hero!!!

  • zev

    hey dungbeetle!
    where ya been? long time no see.

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **

  • moman

    hawk, very interesting!
    I think the Borg danced with the beast in an unholy union to the tune of the fife & zither!
    People mean nothing, only CORPORATE PRESERVATION matters to the WT.


  • hawkaw


    By chance ... do I know, or have written or have talked to your mom? I get confused about who is related to who on this board sometime.

    If I know her tell her I say hi and be patient.


  • somebody


    What exactly are you looking for. Are you looking for articles written in support of the UN? Or are you looking for comments such as this one from the 4/22/96 AWAKE! magazine, or both?

    "A World Body Without Much Soul"

    "For three days last week, leaders from every continent got together at the 50th birthday party of the United Nations to make grand speeches about the state of the world," reported The New York Times last October. Apparently, however, one important ingredient was missing from a number of the "grand speeches"-honesty. "Like politicians everywhere," said the Times, "they made promises they won't keep and criticized somebody else for their shortcomings." After quoting eight national leaders whose words conflicted with their countries' deeds, the newspaper concluded their overriding message to be: "Forget what I do, world; listen to what I say."
    Little wonder that U.S.News & World Report called the United Nations "a world body without much soul."

    I'll help too, if I can.


  • hawkaw

    Hi somebody,

    I would be most interested in the "support" articles.

    From what I can tell on the support articles, there would be at least one done per year and submitted in 6 languages to meet their 6 examples of work.

    But I will take these other quotes too and see if I can line them up with what is released in the quarterly reports.

    It will be a lot of work and could prove worthless but on the other side - it could prove very interesting.


  • JT


    This UN thing has gone a little to far. Do you have something else better to do?

    this is why i love Fred Hall - since he has been here i have yet to see him offer any real dialog or argument on any issue- instead he has only been able to rise to the level of "One Liners"

    I have found his post to be like so many other jw very useful in revealing what happens to a person who upon realizing that they can't defend an issue just say any old thing to be included in the conversation

    we have all seen folks like that they are as lose as a fish out of water but to try and at least have something come from between their teeth they say any old thing

    and everyone looks around with the look that says "What in the he!! are you talking about"

    i had a guy in school i went with who would say almost anything that came to his mind

    after awhile we would treat him much like we treat Fred- Class clown
    has spoken again

    ones life must really be sad to consider the type of serious life and death issues we discuss here on this forum and then all of a sudden you got a guy like Fred who lets out a "Fart"

    i used to get real upset and bent out of shape with guys like fred then when is dawned on me that THIS NET "THANG" IS THEIR ONLY OUTLET

    in WT world- most guys like Fred or YK don't even measure up to a 16yr bro in the hall who at least can carrry the mike

    i often wonder will fred or others ever see that they have been duped or will this since it is their only outlet continue to hold on to thin air for the sake of having something to hold on to

    how sad


  • Simon

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates all the work you and others are putting in to this hawkaw. You are doing a fantastic job.

    Kick ass !!

  • hawkaw

    Thanks big guy.

    When you get a second Email me and tell me how your dad is doing? Lethbridge? Is that where he is? I drove through it. My bro lived in Hanna, Alt. for a while.

    I won't be able to read it until tomorrow. I now have to go do that "dad" thing.

    Take care


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