Plymouth Brethren, ever heard of them?

by exwhyzee 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmouth

    Exclusive Brethren have pockets of adherents in N.Z. and Australia too.

    Whilst they don't vote or hold political office, they have absolutely no qualms about donating substantial amounts of money to politicians who support their 'family' ideals. They don't like getting caught doing it either! Big news before the last election in NZ where they were found muddying themselves with money and politics.

    Curious observation; A disproportionately large number of EB women are 'ginger' and have a certain look to them. They are very fond of long denim skirts. The men never wear ties. They avoid the use of fax machines if they can.

    That's all I have to say about that....

  • bigmouth

    It seems to me I remember this book being available at the book counter....that can't be right it? - re. Hislops Two Babylons

    Yes, I bought my copy at the KH about 1981. You could buy a number of Society sanctioned publications such as the Emphatic Diaglott and few other translations of the Bible including the King James and The Jerusalem

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Yes, the PB and the Exclusive Brethren are very easy to pick out (at least, compared to average Aussies here). The women have long, simply-styled hair, long skirts, never wear jeans or slacks, flat or small-heeled shoes, denim or plain skirts. Their daughters generally look like mini versions of their mothers.

    I encountered some of them a few years ago. The lived in houses that were side by side, with paths at the back joining the houses. It seemed slightly cultic to me to be living like that.

    I have also heard of the donations to political parties. I can't remember the details, but they were found to be donating to one party here in Australia, and secured immunity from their cult being investigated too much by the govt at the time. Nick Xenophon, who has looked into other cults like Scientology, had been approached to look into them too, but was blocked by the govt from finding out too much.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I know a PB apostate.

    He thought that he was raised in a cult and that JW was a harmless Xtian religion.

    In telling his story, he used a bunch of phrases that I have heard my family use.

    He was told not to darken his Dad's doorstep until he was ready to come back to the Truth (His Mum had passed away).

    His Dad has never met his wife or children.

  • kazar


    about my fingers:

    I left my son's room with clothing in my arms-then I remembered something I had forgotten still the room; I put my hand on the bedroom door to open it and go back in and my son was in the room on the other side and slammed the door shut on my fingers. He didn't know I was on the other side and he feels terrible about it. He slammed the door because all the rain had swollen the wood. I will never again touch a door unless it's the doorknob.

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