Barbara Anderson on conference call right now!

by koolaid-man 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • nateb

    So you're saying that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, ohio? What's inappropriate about calling Fearon out for senstionalism and for noting that he is condemnatory of homosexuals and that he's simply left one cult for another? The fact that Mrs. Anderson graced his program with a contribution doesn't change what he's about.

  • ohiocowboy

    I am Gay, and I do not agree with his views on Homosexuality, or some other things for that matter, but I don't go around condemning him over and over about it. I can make my voice known without continually berating. My point was that people keep bringing the same things up over and over and will not let things rest. It defeats anything good and its not good for any JW's who may be lurking. I am not the only one who feels that way, Barbara even said the same thing about hurtful comments and how they need to stop. I find it hard to believe that he has done nothing good, and that no one has benefited from his site.

    Have a great day!!!

  • nateb

    You have a great one too, ohio.

  • Gayle

    Thank you, Barbara, for all your immense proactive work to expose the WTS!!! I can't thank you enough. You help so many.

    The fact that Mrs. Anderson graced his program with a contribution doesn't change what he's about.....nateb

    Now theres the Truth..

    Rick Fearon is wasteing one of the biggest opportunitys in his lifetime..

    I doubt theres anyone here,that doesnt want Rick to Succeed..

    Then there`s the Ass Kissers..

    They have already identified themselves on this thread..

    Rick could be more..Your not helping him..


  • ohiocowboy

    Then there`s the Ass Kissers..
    They have already identified themselves on this thread..

    Fine, Mr. voice of perpetual reason. If trying to be positive equals Ass Kissing, so be it...

    Barb said basically the same thing that I did on the first page. Is she included in your lovely statement, or are you just singling me out again?

    Thank you once again for proving my point about following me around so you can make your little snide comments. It is neat to know that I have such an effect on you!

    Enjoy your day!

  • clarity


    {but I don't go around condemning him over and over about it. I can make my voice known without continually berating. My point was that people keep bringing the same things up over and over and will not let things rest. It defeats anything good and its not good for any JW's who may be lurking.}


    Right on!


  • cantleave

    I like Rick, and think he does some good stuff. But then why go and ruin with sensationalism and fabrications like Johnny the Bethelite?

    Stick to facts, don't put mirrors to pictures to find "subliminal images" and don't invent stuff, that's all I am asking.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I dont know Rick as a person, I don't know Barbara either. But I do know that facts are what must reign supreme in apostaland.

    There is a saying "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". Rick has great intentons, no doubt. But is paving the wrong road with his sensationalizing and fabrications. He turned me off first time i found him, and i am lucky i kept looking at other sites that do deal in facts. Anderson Info;JWfacts; Marvin Shilmer etc... I do hope that any lurkers and new members have the smarts to sort through what can be a messy start to finding the truth about the 'truth'.

    It is good that Barbara is willing to go on an unpopular show to get a message accross i agree, but i am even gladder that i don't need to listen to a show that i have come to dislike for many reasons, to find the same information. I don't think there is actually enough constant new JW news and information to support such frequent broadcasts as Rick has. We usually find out first on here, some weeks go by with nothing much going at all...

    Perhaps Rick is trying to be better, but the track record is not good and i hope he is not using credible people to boost his show only to go back to the old ways. Rick could do a power of good with some changes. But everytime i open one of his threads or listen to a broadcast i am disapointed.

    I don't mean to join in bagging the guy's show, but people dealing in stories and not facts that can be documented is one of my buttons i guess.


  • kimbo

    Hi rick

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