Proof that the Governing Body is directed by God..

by The Quiet One 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wobble

    I try never to get mad at anybody, and I try to treat ladies as they should be,................... with extreme caution !

    But it ain't that hard N.Drew, are you Jehovah ? or simply a girl detective ?

  • dgp

    You can find proof that the Governing Body is directed by God in the fact that their decisions are made by a majority of two thirds. It seems that one GOD (YHWH) speaks to all his representatives on earth and tells them different things. Oh, and YHWH is such a funny guy: he doesn's speak his mind at once, he recants, he re-establishes what he had removed before...

    Do you need any more proof than that?

  • N.drew

    Fair enough. I suppose it would be possible for the All Mighty Holy God to post as a crazy bitch detective type, but I don't think it's gonna happen, so I have to chose the second option. A simple woman detective. (can I tweek it?). Peace Wobble! Oh, thanks for the endorphine. I like it. Is it plural or singular, in other words does one endorphin work alone, or (is there a pharmacist in the house?) does it take two to feel good?

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    surprisingly the spirit keeps changing direction, e.g the blood policy

  • AwareBeing

    Proof that the Governing Body is directed by God..uh; yeah! He's bringing it down!

    As for us who once served it; we were honest towads God, and were trying to serve Jesus.

    Since Watchtower's GB tricked us, they stand guilty before the Christ;

    and our actions are held accountable after we realize this. For the GB, it's a negitive direction;

    but if we as individuals switch sides to Yehuwah, we'll receive positive directions from Him.

  • thetrueone

    If they aren't then their whole publishing empire crumbles to the ground and the business acumen falls as well. !

    Of course any Christan based faith, participially ones which are mostly funded and promoted on literature proliferation

    are going to say we are the true and chosen ones by god, people really shouldn't second guess this.

    It establishes a platform of power and obtainable control for the organization itself.

    The open marketability of this organization was that, they were the true worshipers of god and his will and purpose for mankind.

    The other half of this marketing concept was that the world's inhabitants were shortly to be judged as to their faithfulness and worship to god

    and that if one was to survive this judgment that they would have to belong to the Jehovah Witnesses organization.

    They presented an vital life or death option to all of mankind.

    Their presenting premise was choose us and are pertaining style of worship or perish at Armageddon, with all the other false religious organizations

    on earth. 100 years has past since its original inception and it is now realized that this organization was and is circumvented on false

    pretentious teachings pursued to empower the leaders or as men unique and separate from the rest of other religious organizations.

    In other words the accusing false teachers have themselves become false teachers themselves, indulged in their own self endeavored corruption.

  • TimothyT

    I have made a conscious search in the New Testament to see if Jesus ever said that such an organisation would exist. I have never found it!

    The only possible mention of such an organisation is Acts 15 which talks about the leaders of the church. The JWs LOVE to quote this one.

    However, the NT makes it clear that salvation is through Jesus alone and not an org so that itself blows that theory out of the water.

    Its right infront of their noses and yet they cannot see it.

  • N.drew

    Catch 22. Satan blinded them, but then they can't see.

  • DocBob

    Q: Why should I believe anything you say?

    A: Because we are the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    Q: How do I know you are really the Faithful and Discreet Slave?

    A: Because we said we are.

    Q: Why should I believe you?

    A: Because we are the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    ... ad infinitum ...

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Thank you to all. Here are my favourite comments that have been made: "I try to treat ladies as they should be,................... with extreme caution !"- wobble "It seems that one GOD (YHWH) speaks to all his representatives on earth and tells them different things. Oh, and YHWH is such a funny guy: he doesn't speak his mind at once, he recants, he re-establishes what he had removed before..."- dgp "However, the NT makes it clear that salvation is through Jesus alone and not an org so that itself blows that theory out of the water."- Timothy T

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