I've never read any, so I'd like to know everyone's opinion.
What is the best book about JWs (written by non JWs, of course), in your opinion?
by Chemical Emotions 18 Replies latest jw experiences
In my view this is the best book about JWs even though it is quite dated now.
Trumpet of Prophecy: Sociological Study of Jehovah's Witnesses by James Beckford
These are also good.
Jehovah's Witnesses: Portrait of a Contemporary Religious Group by Andrew Holden
Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses by James Penton
I've never read any although I suppose I might. One well known one, perhaps the first?;
30 Years a Watchtower Slave: The Confessions … by William J. Schnell
Crisis of Conscience. It's a favorite of many because it was written by former a Governing Body member, Ray Franz, who had inside information not available anywhere else. I've not read it myself, but I have heard you just gobble it up when you start it. I'm looking forward to it.
A book that you may find helpful…
A book that may find helpful is called: Opening the Door to Jehovah's Witnesses by Trevor Willis If you are interested, go to Lulu.com and type or paste into the search box the number 5456415.
You will be able to read the about the book before downloading it. The book was first published in 2002. This edition is still available from Amazom.co.uk but not shipped abroad.
In 2006 it was updated and offered as a print to order book on Lulu.com or a download has been made available as part of an awareness campaign. Your comments about the book can be made on the Lulu site. Below is the text from the back cover of the book.
Opening the Door to Jehovah’s Witnesses
How many times have Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked at your door? Are you aware that there are approaching 6,000,000 active members calling from door to door? They are found in over 200 countries and produce literature in 150 languages. Each year over one billion hours are spent calling on people like you.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. This book, written by someone who spent the first thirty years of his life as a Jehovah’s Witness, provides a fascinating insight into their beliefs and lifestyle. The many claims of the Watchtower Society - who govern the membership and produce all literature - are examined.
The methods they use to draw people into their religion
What they presently believe
The beliefs they previously held
What is expected of the members
How members are instructed to view outsiders
This easy to read book is a goldmine, for those wanting to avoid the pitfalls along the way in their search for truth.
GoodBookStall Review:
I have read this book carefully, to see for myself how this subject has been handled. I found a very readable book, written by one who had spent a childhood and many adult years working wholeheartedly for the Society, before becoming disillusioned as he found out more about the inner workings of the Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses. His respect for, and belief in the integrity of the ordinary members I found heart-warming, the overall picture, chilling. Theirs is not Christ's message.
I like Captives of a Concept. It uses the simplest logic to absolutely show that the WTS could not have been selected by god in 1919.
Crises of Conscience. Any time you have first hand accounts of someone that was there for all the things that went on during governing body meetings.....it makes for good reading. The lack of Godly direction is painfully evident
I take due note of the titles and the value of some of the books mentioned here (such as Crisis of Conscience, for example) but I would also like to highlight that the original post was about books written by non-JW's. While Ray Franz or James Penton were technically "non-JW's" by the time they wrote their books, I understand both were born-ins and prominent witnesses. That does not detract in the least from the value of their contributions, which, at least in Ray's case, I deem priceless, but those are not the books a non-witness would consider "written by non-witnesses".
I would understand "books written by non-JW's" to mean "books written by people who were never witnesses and approach the religion from outside". Someone who has to understand everything, who doesn't think and has never thought that the Watchtower has the truth. I wonder if there are many books that would fit those criteria. If anyone knows of any, please let me know.
Harold Bloom, in his "American Religion" (http://www.amazon.com/American-Religion-Harold-Bloom/dp/0978721004/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1317664405&sr=1-2) has a chapter on Jehovah's witnesses. But I happened to read a very bad translation of that book, so I'm not sure it's a good one. It does say, however, that no bible book is more important for Jehovah's witnesses than the Revelation.
Let me be very clear about one point: I do believe we the worldlies would learn a lot if we studied the Jehovah's witnesses. I am consistently considered odd and perhaps stupid because, in my group of worldlies, no one would entertain such an idea. In the opinion of all my friends and relatives, I'm kind of odd and crazy because I read books about the Watchtower, post here, and tell people what I have learned. Everyone thinks my time and money could be used in other pursuits.
Perhaps you need to think this through. I have read the few paragraphs that encyclopaedias contain, outlining the basic tenants and beliefs of the Watchtower Society. They are usually copied from books or websites. For a more real and comprehensive exploration into the world of the Witnesses, how does someone who has never been a Jehovah's Witness find out what being involved with the Watchtower Society is really like.
They can read literature written by the Watchtower Society which will give their own spin on things, or they can pretend to join and experience the ride for themselves. This is something many good journalists and writers do.
The alternative is to talk to people who have given their lives to the organization and left disappointed, or read their books. It has to be remembered that those that left the Watchtower Society did so after extensive research on the history and changing beliefs of the organization, coupled with their own experience.
It is simply not possible to write an objective book about Jehovah's Witnesses without some personal experience or help from those that have that.
James Penton is an ex-jw and Walter Schnell was as well. Don Cameron is also an ex-jw. Crisis of Conscience (and In Search of Christian Freedom) was also written by ex-jw RAY Franz. I found Ray Franz' books the most evenly written with a great deal of written support.
I found it better to read about jws from a variety sources, individual jws (not WT supported), WTS publications (their own words), and non-jws. Of course it helps that I filter it through 5 generations of jws in my family, their knowledge of the organization told to me without fear of being "punished" by the WTS, check too the Bible Students history as they report it.
I have found it helpful to know the history of the WTS as they have reported it over time. History has a way of changing.
Did the WTS CONSISTENTLY teach that Christ's presence began in 1914 or 1874? Why then was the title of the WT in 1879 say "HERALDING CHRIST'S PRESENCE"?
Hang them with their own words