I survived!!!

by sf 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    I am finally able to get out of my bed. The flu sucks and I wouldnt wish for anyone to go thru what I just went thru this whole last week.

    102 fever that just would not go away. The chills suck too; can't get comfortable. My chest feels like I've been punched several times at point blank range, yet is starting to heal from massive coughing bouts. My headache is still here though and doesn't seem to want to give me any relief. I haven't been this sick in a very long time. Hope it never happens this bad again.

    I survived it though!! And it feels good to be out of bed and eating solid food again. Felt good enough to make little chocolate valentine heart cakes for daughters class today. Glad I was able to; it sure made her happy. She IS my Valentine.

    Anyway, just alil note for those wondering what happened so abruptly online the other day in yahoo chat. It hit me hard and I logged out and stayed in bed since then.

    Happy VDay all, sKally

  • sf

    Hahaha, 44 views and not one post.

    The silence speaks volumes.

    Thanks everyone.


  • Seeker

    Sorry to hear of your recent ordeal, but glad you are feeling better. Try to rest some more, even as you feel better, for it can take a while to completely recover from a flu.

    [Spelling edit.]

  • expatbrit

    Don't go all thin-skinned on us now sKally!

    I think I had something like that a couple of months ago. It was brutal, so I sympathise with you!

    Glad you're feeling better though. As Seeker says, take it easy for a while longer.


  • LDH


    I haven't had the flu for about 6 years, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

    I have avoided it this year so far but gosh darn my girlfriend has had it THREE times.

    Glad you're better. If your email was unlocked I would've sent you an e-card.

    First time viewer Class


    Hey skally,I`m happy your feeling better.Everyone is getting that dam flu in these parts too.I enjoy your research,you always give me lots to read and think about.....OUTLAW

  • Prisca

    Sorry to hear you were so sick Scally. Really knocked you about, eh?

    Glad to see you're back on your feet again!!

  • ISP

    Hey scally! ?That flu must have been bad to knock you out of yahoo chat!!!!!!


  • VeniceIT

    Hi Twirly babe!!!!! Glad to hear your better hope your daughter took good care of you!!! See ya around!

    luv ya,

    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • dungbeetle

    Feel better!!!!

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

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