I am finally getting my weekends back!

by iclone 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • iclone

    I recall with such disdain my memories of a child that was awoken on a beautiful Saturday Morning to; “get out of bed and get dressed, it’s time for service” Oh God the pain I endured as a child being deprived of my Saturday morning Cartoon fix. The only exception was if it was a cold blistery winter morning or a family wedding. Saturday morning ministry became a regular routine for me growing up. After a while you just get used to it, never, regardless of who you are, you never “enjoy” the ministry. I often say that the ones that get up on the platform to declare their love for the ministry would be the first to burn their service bags should a decree from the WTS declare that the work was completed. The point is nobody enjoys this work-especially children. Once I got married I wanted to be a strong spiritual head for my wife so I continued in this pattern of drudgery for the sake of my family and of course to attain privileges in the congregation. I was always able to put on my game face even when I reached the pinnacle of my spiritual career as an elder and would oversee the group in our home for several years. Some of my fondest memories was when nobody would show up for the group (very rare) of course my most bitter moments came when one person would show up late for the group. This would foil my plans to strip out of my suit and start making breakfast for the family.

    For the first time in my life I am really enjoying my weekends-especially Saturday. Now I go to the gym to work out, I go cycling with my kids or its breakfast with just me and my favourite girl. I feel as close as I ever have to her and it is largely in part to the advice I have read on this forum to replace the time that I would have normally spent wasted at the KH or in service and have some quality face time with her. This past Saturday was no exception; I got up early and cleaned all the windows and screens on our house then we went for a great breakfast and I said to my wife; “isn’t it wonderful to take a break and enjoy our Saturdays? She heartily agreed and said “I know that for the most part that the ministry is a waste of time but I go for the association”. I reassured her that if it association you crave then are much better ways of accomplishing that. I know it is going to be a long process but I know I can help her to “see what I see”. Even the small things like getting your weekends back and enjoying your spare time doing what you actually enjoy!!

  • out4good3

    You're of the privilege'd class, to have your best girl out with you. Take advantage of it.

    NIce post...

  • iclone

    Well she is not out yet...but I am working on that.

  • LostGeneration

    Weekends kick-ass when you get out. Hell, they kick ass even after you have been out. Anything in this evil, Satan the Devil controlled world kicks ass compared to the drudgery of WT activities.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Lovely post!

    Live well. laugh often, love much

  • factfinder

    Saturday FS was a drudgery!

  • lovelylil

    I agree with everyone. I now look forward to the weekends, I used to dread them back in the day. Drudgery is the perfect term for field service. I always felt bad taking my kids out early in the morning after they got up early all week for school. Eventually, I started giving them one Sat a month off so they could just watch cartoons and stay in their pjs. Of course I didn't dare tell any of the other sisters what I was doing or they would have judged me as spiritually weak.

    Towards the last year we were in, we hardly ever went out in service. Me and the kids that is. My husband went out alone but 3 months after I stopped going altogether with the kids, he stopped too. We are out almost 8 years now and still LOVE our weekends to relax.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    That's great iclone! I enjoy my Saturdays very much. I only made it to the rank of MS, but I was like you, very faithful in supporting the Saturday "arrangement".

    I haven't been out in service for months now and I don't miss a thing of it. Sleeping in feels great, and at times I enjoy working out also, but mostly spend time with my father. (My wife is still semi-regular in service, but some Saturdays are spent with her which I very much enjoy.) Sometimes, I even work!!! LOL

    Enjoy yourself with your family and keep up the good work with your wife!


  • Bells

    I'm curious - your relationship sounds great and you seem really happy - but has you leaving and your wife still 'in' created much of a problem... Either for you as a couple or even just her at the KH? Do they treat her as a bit of a threat or anything now that you are no longer in "the truth" (ahem)

    Good luck getting her to see what you see by the way, I hope you get there in the end!!!

    xx Bells

  • Quandry

    Isn't it amazing that cleaning windows and screens can be such a joy? Just knowing that you are really accomplishing something for your house before you go off to enjoy yourself is glorious!

    You can take a walk or ride a bike in shorts, really looking at the sky and neighborhood instead of trudging in a suit or dress with a full bookbag, wishing people weren't home.....

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