Favorite album cover art
by littlerockguy 57 Replies latest social entertainment
Korn - Follow the leader - but i can't figure out how to insert the image :)
There's an artist by the name of Pete Fowler who does all the cover art for a band called Super Furry Animals (actor Rhys Ifans's old band before he became famous for acting). He has his own unique style which I can only describe as psychedelic, weenie anime.
Axis Bold As Love
Jimi Hendrix
My favorite LP by Jimi, my late brother Cory introduced me to it and explained everything about the art and what it meant. Good times. October 3rd would have been his 58th birthday.
How could anyone forget?
If I only had $10,000 for everytime I listened to all or part of this LP...and studied the cover, even.
obsviously still a newbie :)
I saw this before I saw little bambu. A guy gave me this one and Zappa's Over Night Sensation for my 15th birthday.