Get ready - the final end of everything October 21

by wannabefree 38 Replies latest social current

  • skeeter1

    Does 10 21 2011 mean anything in a computer language?

    How about 10 22 2011?


    p.s. Shamu - thanks for spanking my monkey! You made me laugh with that green banana.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Umm...I'd really like to turn 43 which is the next day.

    Why couldn't he have made it for the 23rd, instead?

    I wanna celebrate my birthday.

  • JWdaughter

    Skeeter, how about does 21/10/2011 mean anything in computer language? Here in the MENA region, we do date, month, year. Today is 8 Oct 2011.

  • jakeyen

    the question is WHAT IS THIS FINAL END?

    because everytime i go to bed, for me its the END of the DAY, i really dont not need any prophecy or calculations to know that

  • DarioKehl

    I love this! what a great "conversation starter" to use with our JW friends and relatives!


    Setting: Car group in Saturday FS. "Aren't those Camping people NUTS? I mean, really--where do they come off thinking THEY are the only chosen ones to know and predict something like this? How do those people stay in a group like that after they've been wrong so many times?"

    Wait for answer.

  • shamus100


    They won't get it. 100% guaranteed.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    I thought that I had about another 30 years to go:

    - however, Mr Camping knows best.

    Instead, it looks like I will just have to do 30 years worth of living inside of just two weeks (could be fun!)


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    At least I get to celebrate another birthday!!

    B'day pressies can be sent to:

    Ms B. Promises,

    123 Apostate Lane,

    Mentally Diseased LOL 031075

  • JRK

    Screw Dinty Moore - it's Chef Boy-ar-dee or nuthin'.


  • skeeter1

    White Dove: LOL. For me, I will turn 43 a few days before.

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