I really resent the fact that the WT looked down upon alot of music. Rap was considered violent. Heavy metal was satanic. I missed out on so much music growing up it's unbelievable. I just discoverd Korn and Slipknot, and I freakin love this music. But my husband, who never was a JW, just told me this music was out in the 90's when I was a teenager. I also recently discovered Led Zep and Pink Floyd a few years ago. I was telling my mom, a devout JW, how I love the band Led Zep. She was like that's demon music, you better be careful!! Led Zep sings so many freakin love songs!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me?!?!?! Ugh, they are so brainwashed it drives me insane. Anyone else grow up JW and get deprived of music and is just now discovering music that was out years ago like me???
JW's and music
by Pink Floyd 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Your not the only one, so dont feel alone ;)
I missed out on my prom growing up, really enjoying being a teenager, instead, I was constantly afraid, fearful, etc. Of course, you had 'the backsliders' at the hall who acted like JW's, but who were doing 'wordly' stuff, just like the doomed worldly kids were doing. Then they would act holier then thou once they got to the KH. I couldnt stand it, because I beat myself up growing up, trying to do things 'Jehovah's way' And I wasnt even baptized.
Pink Floyd is one of my favorite bands by the way ;)
A few years ago my parents came out to Indiana for a visit. One of the nights they were there I happened to be watching Dancing with the Stars and Def Lepard was on performing "Pour some Sugar on Me" (a fav).
My mother turned to me and said in a mocking tone "do you think your pastor would approve of you listening to this kind of music?" Now when she said this to me two things went through my mind. The first: apparently my mother didn't remember that I used to blast this song on my record player in my room in her house, and two: no, my pastor wouldn't have a problem with it cuz I've heard the church band playing "Stairway to Heaven" in the sanctuary before a sermon.
Oh and there was a third thought: I wouldn't run to my pastor over some so trivial as to whether I should be listening to a damn song or not!
I tried to keep my music life from anyone that would judge me. It worked for the most part.
My mum was always acting as the self appointed arbitor of music. I always liked Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, Rainbow and other Rock bands but had to get them taped by friends, as chucked out any album cover with decent art work.
She liked my Supertramp stuff until some interfering lad said in front of her that they worshipped Satan, where the f*ck he got that from I will never know.
Strangely enough she didn't mind Pink Floyd (BTW the greatest band ever!!!), although she thought The Wall was depressing, she liked some of the songs. Oh - she once heard "Not Now John" from the final cut playing my car once and said nothing...I din't think she heard the lyrics.
Aussie Oz
I remember when one JW friend when i was 16 got 'back in black' by ACDC...i was gobsmacked!
Stepfather let us listen to the shadows music, that was about all.
My teens on the other hand, being raised by JW mum and stepfather are so into metal it gobsmacks me some more.
Their attitude is that seeing as they dont think it is debasing music, its is be ok.
they are sooo out of touch with the real WT.
They were also big on that backmasking scam. I have heard of mainstream articles, presumably put together by parent coalitions against children enjoying music (aka, old fogeys) that claimed that, if you play a record backwards, you hear satanic messages. I don't believe in that crap--if you play any record backwards, you are going to get gibberish. If you really want that "gibberish" interpreted as a satanic message, you are sure to find one in it--and that's your "satanic message". The witlesses, run by people that are against children enjoying music (aka, old fogeys), pick up on that and use it as an excuse to ban rock music.
I can remember the rap and heavy metal being preached against in the April 15, 1993 Washtowel (a study article). "True, some rap speaks out against injustice." Why, then, should such be lumped together with rap that glorifies violence and drugs? And threatening with demon possession because you have a few heavy metal albums is another scam--I believe demon possession is your brain believing natural phenomena are demon possession and reacting in panic accordingly. Also, I have plenty of heavy metal music--including Led Zeppelin's boxed set (you know, those 4 CDs that are probably the best selling boxed set of all time). I also have songs, either as store bought CDs or legal downloads purchased from Napster or Rhapsody, of the likes of Megadeth, Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest. No demon possession from those, either.
In fact, I even went out of my way to get the rap that most blatantly glorifies sex, violence, and drugs. Things like 50 Cent, The Game, Eminem, and groups and artists like that. As with the heavy metal, no demon possession resulted from getting those albums. I have The Massacre by 50 Cent--one of the "dirtiest" albums of all time. I enjoy the music on those albums, yet I will not actually start taking the drugs. Even though "Nothing compares to those blue and yellow purple pills", I would rather let them ruin their brains and livers. Meanwhile, I listen to the music for the entertainment value and to slap Jehovah in the face (if that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag cares enough about what kind of music I listen to to put out such rubbish as that washtowel rag, and refuses to let me see happiness, then he deserves the slap in the face).
As for their own lame excuse of "music(??)", I wouldn't touch that with a 39 1/2 foot pole (10 meters). They don't need to backmask that--the wretched quality of execution of their products, along with the pxxx poor messages contained therein, are enough. This sxxx was intentionally designed to shut down your brain, which is much worse than drug rap (I never did the drugs despite listening to drug rap). You sing it--the "music(??)" in the song book is not the same as the "music(??)" they use on the orchestra or when playing the piano on the CD. This assures it to come out horrible, so they can beat people for not being able to sing it properly (you will never get it right if you go by the songbook's sheet "music(??)". And they advocate worship of the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. Along with shutting down your brain, this is far more dangerous than any satanic backmasking even if it was real.
Mr. Falcon
"What was Hitler listening to? What was in his CD case?" ~ Chris Rock
I've never known the WBT$ to have anything positive to say about anything accept their own turgid kingdum maladies.
Most of the R&F think 'Oh, WTF. Their doing their best to guide us but I'm still going to listen to 'If you don't want to f*** me baby, baby f*** off' by Wayne County and the Electric Chairs but I'll hide the CD in the 'out of sight out of mid cupboard' so the elders won't know!' (or was that just me????)
...................and they can't see it's a cult!
I am rediscovering Tupac Shakur and other good artists.