This article is pure pleasure. I thought at first it was a joke, but apparently not. It seems the key to converting an atheist is to not bring up science or the Bible....hmmmmm......but, they say to take genuine interest by talking about food. Yeah, that always does it for me.....mention my breakfast burrito and Jesus here I come!
How a Christian Converts an Atheist
by Magwitch 10 Replies latest social entertainment
When I saw what my breakfast was this morning I said "Jesus Christ !", I guess I am halfway converted ? -
This is what happens when you have 'faith'. People live in their delusional worlds. -
William Penwell
I would like to ask them why it is so important that they need to convert everyone? Very destructive thinking as we see what Christianity did in the middle ages and what Muslims are doing now. -
This article is pure pleasure. I thought at first it was a joke, but apparently not. It seems the key to converting an atheist is to not bring up science or the Bible....hmmmmm......but, they say to take genuine interest by talking about food.
Your probably wondering if this is real.....It`s real..The Price I saw was $62.00
......................Toast Jesus....................................Spread Jam on Jesus and Eat Him..
.................................................Turn an Atheist into a Christian..
............................................Richard Dawkins Loves Jesus Toast!..
"Jesus loves bacon ... you love bacon too ... therefore you should love Jesus".
I doubt many atheists are ever converted. It tends to be those who have never made a choice or those brought up in another faith that simply change clubs.
People who are atheist are typically so because they have put some thought into it. Religion relies on people handing over the responsibility for thought to someone else.
"Jesus loves bacon .
Chris Hannover
Pope Stephen Fry blesses Jesus Toast and bacon.
9. Best to leave out the part about what God does to atheists
That reminds me of the lifelong Atheist who was taking a walk in the woods. A hungry bear charges out of the brush and gives chase. As the Bear gains on him he starts crying out "Oh god, Oh god Oh god" The bear bowls him over then puts a big paw on his chest to hold him down. The bear peers down at the man and begins to lower his head for a taste. OH God Oh God the man cries out. Fog rolls over the bear and the man and a voices calls out............."Atheist is that you? This is god what do you want?"
Please help me God....I didn't know you really existed I'm so sorry..please help me."
"I can't help you doesn't work like that"
The Atheist thinks for a moment then Says...."God could you make the bear a Christian?"
"I can do that", says God. In just a moment the Bear looks up and listens. The bear relaxes a bit and still holding the man in place speaks......."Thank you Lord for what I am about to eat."
Speaking from the stand point of one who teaches critical Scripture analysis, I have to totally agree with Simon and even state that the article link is unfortunately too true.
Teaching from an academic and scholarly critical methodology is often equated as being equal to an atheist in their minds, or even something worse as some of my "fellow" theists have been too eager to share with me in less than kind and mannerly terms.
Unless you hold to a Fundamentalist Evanglistic Christian credulity which "just believes because it's true," you are reckoned with the damned and the wicked...even though it is you and your fellow scholars who have just produced their Bible translations or study guide or commentary that they use (or should I say fail to study).
Yep, I've had this exact approach repeatedly used on me, and I'm a theist. There seems to be a hatred for anyone who wants to use reason or hold a different conclusion or just doesn't feel the need to believe...not a concern for these but a prejudiced hatred, and this often promotes their desire to "convert."
When my "fellow believers" insist that atheists must be converted, I always point out how mountains, trees, animals, and stars don't believe in God either and they are more faithful in fulfilling their roles than I can ever be. If God doesn't like things that don't believe in him, why do the majority of things in the universe--especially among living creatures--not have the capacity to have faith in God?
STUDENT: Mr. J, why don't you try harder at converting some of you atheist friends?
ME: Convert them into what? Lawn furniture?
I'd like to apologize on their behalf but I'm not responsible for their insulting behavior.