Misapplied Scriptures Really Annoy Me

by iclone 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • PSacramento

    Happens to the best of Us :)

  • BluesBrother

    Since we fundamentally reject their spin on The Bible, then I guess that almost all the NT will be seen as "misapplied". One that gets to me is the application of Matt 24.45 (re a faithful and discreet slave) to , a) a prophecy that a literal slave class would appear & b) that class is themselves !

    All of Jesus parables re the The Kingdom , ie slaves with 10, 5 and 1 talent, 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins and so on...applied exclusively to themselves as if Jesus were only talking about a publishing company in Brooklyn today...

    The example of TimothyT given above...that is one that has bugged me recently too...

    I do think though that If one is a dub, and If one accepts their role as "True Christianity" then it would be reasonable to apply Hebrews 10 25 to the WTS meetings, in context, as well as personal hospitality.....

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    marking, thanx

  • guaibb

    nice post, thanks for sharing

  • punkofnice

    Out of context scripture is the WBT$ speciality!

    On the subject of 'temples' why not add ''

    1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV

    Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

    This way we can eat fellow worshippers so they get into our body or temple. Hence the bOrg can legalize cannibalism if they want.

    We might as well be 'Dave' the spaceship or the 'tessalator' out of Dr Who.

    ..but I ramble!

    If I had a quid for every out of context scripture the bOrg use I'd be rich!

  • talesin

    The perfect thread for me to vent this,,, it's been pissing me off for 30 years! Actually, I flung it in mother's face a while back, when trying to get through to her about the UN NGO and child abuse coverups, and she hung up on me.

    John 8:32 NWT "and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"

    To me, this is the ultimate distortion of a scripture because every bloody JW in the world believes they have the only "TRUTH". grrrr


  • irondork

    Misapplied scripture thread. Perfect! Maybe you folks could help me with this one. The roomie put this in my face the other day and I didn't know how to reason on it.

    Of course, the following is telling us to be submisive to the governing body/elders:

    Hebrews 13:17 - Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among YOU and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over YOUR souls as those who will render an account

  • punkofnice

    irondork - Mrs Punk is always pulling this stunt. My reply is: 'How do you know that is talking about the watchtower leaders? How do you know it doesn't apply to the Mormans or the Catholics instead?'

    It's a typical example of 'mystical manipulation', 'appeal to authority' and more I'm sure!

    In context the whole of the chapter talks about doing things the WBT$ are reknown for NOT doing!

    Finally why is it that the WBT$ says the N/T is mainly written for the 144k then why are they cherry picking single verses to apply to the so called 'great crowd'. How convenient!!

  • AGuest
    To me, this is the ultimate distortion of a scripture because every bloody JW in the world believes they have the only "TRUTH".

    Wait, it gets worse, dear Talesin (the greatest of love and peace to you!). In one of their "Questions from the Readers", they quoted this verse (John 8:32) and asked, "What is the "truth" that sets you free?" Their response?

    "It is the truth found in God's Holy Word, the Bible."

    Well, okay, so what? So, if one looks just 4 verses below at John 8:36, they would read:

    "Therefore, IF THE SON SETS YOU FREE you will truly BE free." (Emphasis mine.)

    Given that Christ is recorded to say, at John 14:6, "I am... the truth"... their reference to THEMSELVES as the "truth" is reprehensible... and blasphemous.

    Given that he is also recorded to say, at John 17:3, "This means everlasting life, their KNOWING you, the True God... AND the One you sent forth"... KNOWING the truth ("You will know the truth"), as stated in John 8:32... references nothing and no one other than HIM.

    Given that the thread is about misapplied verses, therefore, the one you mentioned has GOT to be one of the foremost, if not THE foremost.

    Thanks for bringing it up and, again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    I didn't attend a KH until I was in my forties and knew little about JWs prior to that.

    For years when I was younger I had attended various churches which was completely my own choice and always enjoyed it. I never noticed misapplied scriptures when I attended church, though it is fair to say that I didn't look at religion critically until I attended a KH. I think the reason for this is that the churches I attended never forced anything on you. They also never criticised other faiths or religions in their sermons, all in all it was a much more pleasant experience.

    When attending the KH I was shocked at the hate for others they preached and I think for this reason I became much more of a critical thinker. I began to notice how they would twist a scripture to mean something that they wanted to force you to do, i.e. go out on the ministry and so forth.

    Strangely though they didn't seem to mention Matthew 7:3 very often!

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