Thanks Blondie, you are of course correct ... but that's still assuming he doesn't want a divorce!
Is there really any difference between disfellowshipping and disassociation?
by iamwhoiam 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks bunch's Blondie for doing my leg work for me on this matter! I would have had to dig out my WTCD and find those references at some point, so thanks. I knew of course she could not scriptural divorce me or leave me for that matter as I already told her I would in NO, NO, NO way oppose her going to meeting or taking part in theocratic activities, that I would continue to provide gas money and recreational funds to her that she could use however she choose. That she could use our home to host hospitality, and gatherings (I wasn't going to be around, but she could) that she could bring home literature with no fear of it being molested of lost within our residence. Simply put I didn't care what she did JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE ABOUT JEHOVAH OR HIS WITNESS'S!
I do not want a divorce from my wife I love her very much and except for her religion I have nothing to fault her for she is a superb woman!
There may be enough wiggle room here for anyone who wants to leave and get the support of a body of elders for there action
**WT 88 11/1 pages 20-25
10 Willfulnonsupport is one basis for separation. When entering wedlock, a husband assumes the responsibility of providing for his wife and any children they may have. The man who does not provide for members of his household "has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith." (1 Timothy 5:8) So separation is possible if there is willful nonsupport. Of course, appointed elders should give careful consideration to an accusation that a Christian is refusing to support his wife and family. Stubborn refusal to support one's family may result in disfellowshipping.
12 Absoluteendangermentof spirituality also provides a basis for separation. The believer in a religiously divided home should do everything possible to take advantage of God's spiritual provisions. But separation is allowable if an unbelieving mate's opposition (perhaps including physical restraint) makes it genuinely impossible to pursue true worship and actually imperils the believer's spirituality. Yet, what if a very unhealthy spiritual state exists where both mates are believers? The elders should render assistance, but especially should the baptized husband work diligently to remedy the situation. Of course, if a baptized marriage partner acts like an apostate and tries to prevent his mate from serving Jehovah, the elders should handle matters according to the Scriptures. If disfellowshipping takes place in a case involving absolute endangerment of spirituality, willful nonsupport, or extreme physical abuse, the faithful Christian who seeks a legal separation would not be going against Paul's counsel about taking a believer to court.-1 Corinthians 6:1-8.
My thought is that if she going to leave me it will hurt but I can not continue to live this lie that I think its the "Truth" when I know its not.
Never mind willful nonsupport is very clearly stated here as materail
God, the Originator of marriage, designed it to be a permanent union. But is there any Scriptural reason for a person to divorce his or her mate-and one that would allow for the possibility of remarrying? Jesus addressed this matter by declaring: "I say to you that whoever divorces his wife, exceptonthegroundoffornication, and marries another commits adultery." (Matthew 19:9) Sexual infidelity by a mate is the only ground for a divorce that will allow the innocent mate to remarry.
In addition, the Bible's words at 1 Corinthians 7:10-16, while encouraging marriage mates to stay together, allow for separation. Some, after trying very hard to preserve their marriage, feel they have no choice but to separate. What can be acceptable Scriptural grounds for such a step?
One is willfulnonsupport. When getting married, a husband assumes the responsibility of providing for his wife and children. The man who willfully fails to provide the material necessities of life "has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith." (1 Timothy 5:8) So separation is possible.
What astounds me is how appointment is supposedly led by Jah. That those appointed to positions are a result of Jehovah's blessing. He "sees somthing in you". How is that possible that those who are "apostates" are appointed to these postions? Its obvious that the brothers dont know this, but surely God knows this. Apostacy is among the top of the list of "crimes" that can be "commited". There is no reason Jah would select one is His supposed organization. I guaruntee that if I put in a couple more hours in service and comment a little more, I could easily become a MS. But everytime im being considered i do nothing so as to drive them away from choosing me.
I'm in a similar situation as you. Though I'm only 20 so I have more time I suppose. It's hard when you have nothing else to go to so your forced to stay in and fake your way through, putting on a phoney smile at mettings, and acting like you want to be there. I feel for you. Wish you the absolute best :)
disassociation is what one does before they do it to you
The only real difference is in the spelling of the words, well that and what finallysomepride said
Welcome to the board, OpenMindNow!!
From reading your posts, it appears that you would like to maintain a low profile. Otherwise, I would suggest that you post a "Hello, I just joined the board" thread.
But since your situation is delicate - in turmoil - if you were to post an introductory thread, I would suggest doing so in Private - help and support.
And even then, do not give away clues as to your location. Some over-zealous elders, ministerial servants and even JW apologists haunt this site, looking for people to turn in to judicial committees...
About your wife and her attitudes... [I hate doing this here, t'will drag the thread off-topic for a bit, but here goes...]
There are many, many different ways to approach the situation. If you've been lurking here for a time before joining, I'm sure you've read some of the multitude of threads on how to fade...
Someone just revived a thread recently - written by a fellow who came OUT to his fellow JWs as an 'apostate' - more accurately, he didn't want to be a Jehovah's Witness any longer - and he used the threat of legal action against the ELDERS of his congregation, as a means of remaining "in good standing" while no longer being a Jehovah's Witness...
I'll go see if I can find that thread... Brb...
Zid the She-Devil