
by Tired of the Hypocrisy 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    After my brother passed away in September of 2010 I started smoking again. At first I would hide the fact from my wife's dad by burning a cigar candle and making sure the ashes and butts were not in plain sight. But as time went on I just said to EFF it. If he don't like it he can lump it. My wife also smokes and when he confronted her on the issue she said that she isn't a child needing to be scolded anymore. LOL

    So in public I worried if I would be seen. Not for my sake but that word would get back to her dad or his elders. Maybe they would nag HIM about it. Then I figured... SO WHAT. Anyways I was waiting in the car outside the grocery store for our youngest son to come out and I was puffing on a Camel 99. When lo and behold here comes my wife's star pioneer step mom. Judgmental CUN* that she is she walks right up to me and I suppose expected me to be ashamed or something. She asked me in a very strong fashion, "What is THIS? What's going on here?" I looked at her and said, "Something that isn't any of your business. And good afternoon to you too, by the way." She got red in the face and was about to explode on me but turned on her heel and stormed into the store. My son came out and said he saw his gramma "Shit Bread" in the store. I asked if she said anything to him and he said he didn't think she even saw him. LOL

    I can't wait for the fallout to start to descend in the form of my wife's family calling and nagging. My late brother could never stand my father in law's wife. His first wife either, btw. The second wife's name is Francisca but in Spanish the diminutive is Panchita. My brother who loved an inside joke began to call her Shit Bread because Pan means bread in Spanish and Chita is slang for Shit in some Spanish speaking places. Thus Shit Bread. My son had overheard my wife and I calling her that and thought it was funny since we never disparage any of the other family like that. When he went to visit my brother a couple of years ago he casually mentioned his Gramma Shitbread. My brother asked if I had told him about the name and my son said that he had heard it. He also said that he decided to, out of respect call her GRAMMA shitbread so as not to seem disrespectful. My brother almost fell over laughing at my son's sarcasm.....

    Feels good to let loose and just live my life without the fear of what some ass hat like my step mother in law might have to say about what I do.

    Thanks for letting me share what's on my mind, folks.

  • The Fence
    The Fence

    Holy crap that's funny. When I first read " My son came out and said he saw his gramma "Shit Bread" in the store." I thought he was refering to the fact that Gramma was so furious that she was litterally "Shitting Bread" in the store. Thanks for sharing the laugh.

  • dm6

    HA HA HA HA thats awesome man! I tell you what i have heard and read so many sob stories about people not being able to live their lives properly in case of being found out about something etc, but you sir, i take my hat off to you!!

    I did pretty much a similar thing, i was only a bible study, but when the penny dropped i started smoking openly, it was a small town and witnesses saw me smoking and my bible teacher even sat me down and talked to me about it. Thats actually when i said its all BS and left LOL.

    Well done sir

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Thanks for the laugh.

  • skeeter1

    On a serious side, if you still believe in the Bible, I don't see anything wrong biblically with smoking a plant. Smoking herbs & plants took place in Romans/Jesus time. If it was a grave sin that should cause one to lose God's favor, Jesus would have said something. He didn't.

    On a health side, it can kill you. But, as a friend of mine is a chain smoker says, "So what if I live until 78 instead of 84! The last few years of my life aren't going to be great anyway."


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I'm glad you all found it amusing and I thank you for the support and concern.

    I KNOW that my father in law's brother will be VERY typical and be even more SHUNFUL than ever. Typical drunk/wife beating kisser of "elderian" asses. I hope he opens his mouth in front of a lot of people. I have been dying to call him out on his hypocrisy and maybe single out his wife and call her, the "Longsuffering Bride of Drunkenstein". He will probably hit me so I told my son to call 911 immediately if he does. I won't swing back that way he can be finally jailed and made to lose his struggle for respect as an elder. He is the guy that I mentioned before threatened to beat up the elder body when they said he could not be an elder. EVEN AFTER he had made them all a shrimp dinner....LOL The whole family lets him get away with everything. Including almost forty years of hitting his wife.

    I look forward to continuing to flaunt my lack of fear of the society....LOL

  • finallysomepride
  • thetrueone

    Society today sees smoking as a dirty addictive habit which is expensive and known to be a health hazard.

    Its gone out of the cool and accepting stage from past generations.

    Never mind what a religious cult has to say about it.

    Being a long term smoker for 10 years after leaving the Borg, I'm well versed to what effects it can have on a person's life.

    It has a negative stigma attached to it from the general public.

  • jamiebowers

    Being a long time smoker myself, I hope you can eventually kick the habit. But that being said, there are worse things you could be doing.

    Congrats on not hiding who you are. It seems yur son inherited your quirky sense of humor.

  • kazar

    I have smoked most of my life. I hid it when I was a JW and just could not quit. I quit smoking four months ago (without any help from Jehovah I might add) because I could no longer afford to smoke. I think being a JW added so much stress that I couldn't quit and now that I am out of the borg I have relaxed so I was able to do it. I still want to smoke though. I don't think the need to smoke will ever leave.

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