Are you a member of the homosexual community? (Yes.) Can you say that you have honestly found satisfaction and fulfillment in that way of life? (Being true to myself has brought me great happiness yes. Similarly meeting someone i love and who loves me has made me very happy.) Thousands of homosexuals have learned in the hard way that the “gay life” is not gay. (Im sure they have. Im sure many straight people have also had their fair share of troubles too.) Their course, says homosexual William Carroll, “can lead to cynicism, despair and even suicide.” (Im sure it CAN, but that doesnt nescesarily mean it WILL. On the other hand, if many DONT choose this course it CAN lead to suicide. Explain that one WT?) Why let that happen to you? (Exactly! We all want the best life and we cant base it on assumptions and weasel words such as 'can'.) Why not change course like those first-century homosexuals and really enjoy life? (I am enjoying life too much now and I dont want to revert to depression and suicidal feelings. Ta!)
(Awake 1976, 6/8, p.12)