Educated JW's

by jworld 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jworld

    My mom can’t stop talking about this brother, Vic Gundotra.

    Looks like he put a Wikipedia article about himself:

    Vivek "Vic" Gundotra(born June 14, 1968), is Senior Vice-President of Social Business for Google and was previously a general manager at Microsoft.

    You Can read more at:

    This guy worked some unassigned territory near my parent’s congregation and ever since she swoons him as an example. Today she sent me a youtube link where he did a commercial for BMW. I guess his $90,000 car prevented an accident when he was inattentively driving.

    I have tried to get my mom to see you can’t get to where this guy has gotten without education. He should be held up as Conventions as an example of how to manage career and religion. But no she can’t see that she uses him as an example of someone using his talents for Jehovah.

  • 00DAD

    So an inattentive driver is now an example of a "good" witness?!?

    My guess is he is handsome, charming and your mother is un-married or in a bad marriage.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    "He should be held up as Conventions as an example of how to manage career and religion."

    That's the understatement of the year. This one thing alone could change alot of JW's lives in a very positive way. I know what you mean though. I used to see it when JW's would swoon over one publisher who had it all together. Without any regard for the fact that his education gave him a leg up towards that lifestyle.

  • 00DAD

    @wha happened? "his education gave him a leg up towards that lifestyle"

    Yeah, but doing something verboten by the bOrg.

  • MrDarkKnight

    I know Vic and his family personally. His parents are rich. The kids all went to college. The father is an elder. Many brothers in the area where he grew up are well off, rich or wealthy. And some get to give convention talks about living the simple life.

    So much for living a "simple" life. I am working to be rich now.

  • jworld

    But what exactly do these people see in Watchtower land that attracts them? Everything the Watchtower espouses goes against what they know to be real. It’s like a gay person who still wants to be a JW. Doesn't this cause a level of cognitive dissonance?

  • MrDarkKnight

    To be compeletly honest, I was involved for 38 years and I have no idea.

  • BluesBrother

    The Borganization needs men (it excludes women) to be managers , even if it calls them elders & overseers. These men organize conventions, act as Chairmen, are adept at handling the media, can arrange things in the congo etc. They have the skills to use technology to their advantage - in short, they make it work.

    Their disguised "Type A " personality makes them movers and drivers . They move things to acquire land and buildings etc etc.. I have known one or two guys like that who were streets ahead of any manager that I worked for in my job.

    Why do they do it? What is the pay off? They gain even more success, and respect . They find it fun. These Bro's are so busy doing things they never seem to actually talk about the beliefs unless they are on the platform , but they can do that very well since they have bags of confidence.

    What attracts them to Dubland? I don't know. They don't seem to want to consider the beliefs too deeply.

  • WTWizard

    I suppose spending 90,000 toilet papers on a car can prevent an accident. In this case, so could simply not working that unassigned territory. Then, maybe the driver would not have been "not paying attention"--preoccupied by the territory instead of their driving. Refusing that assignment would have done the same thing, plus spared them the time to do other things, much more cheaply.

  • Mary

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