Gosh, Burn, I meant like fairies and stuff.
<--- What does this little spin wheel pattern thing mean?
by TimothyT 45 Replies latest jw friends
This is fantasy, Burn.
still thinking
botch....not even remotely olive...guess you're not at the "pinnacle of Apostate awesomeness" YET...LOL
I think it's got a bit more Payne's Grey than yellow ochre, therefore I vote with BTS and Zid,,, maybe a bit o sunshine will add that extra yellow! :)
drrrr, I dunno what I'm doin' !
*toddles back to her paints to play*
Having a look at my umm uh ...thingy, 'cause I couldn't remember!
edited to say .... turquoise?
Everyone starts pink, unless the system detects an advanced level of Apostacy from the the cadence of the keystrokes.
still thinking
Gosh....mine looks like it's BLACK today.....hmmmmmmm...wonder what THAT means??????
If the forum does not automatically detect an installation of the Watchtower Library, you automatically start black. Pink posters are those that stumble on to the website out of innocent curiosity. Red posters have a malicious curiosity...first step towards Apostacy. Blue posters are maliciously curious about the World and without a Watchtower Library installation. Get with the program, people.
I wonder what chartreuse means?