Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses on WIKIPEDIA

by jakeyen 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jakeyen

    A nice read, anyone could benefit from

    Can someone update it regarding "mentally disease", maybe cedars / others can help update

    Also some changes in doctrines that are not yet in the list, such as the change in creations days/period

  • guaibb

    I have got a newly released Taylormade r11 driver on a cheap golf shop, the club really surprised me, the performance is great and you can get improvement by playing it. That’s amazing.

  • still thinking
    still thinking


    by the way...I am not even going to click on that link...Are you just here to sell things?

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  • cedars

    jakeyen - it's interesting that Wikipedia comes under fire from the Society in the first few pages of the 2011 Yearbook. Whilst lauding their own efforts at keeping all of their information accurate and truthful, even in "seemingly insignificant details", they point to Wikipedia as an example of information that is available online that is often flawed or mistaken. My own view is that, whatever the inevitable shortfalls of a free service like Wikipedia, at least there is the opportunity to change or remove information that is incorrect. The same cannot be said of the Society's publications!

    I would be delighted to write something about the "mentally diseased" controversy if someone would help me get it posted on the article in question.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Wikipedia has come a LONG way. Very trustworthy nowadays.

  • cedars

    Mad Sweeney - Very true! However, try telling that to the WTBTS:

    "The Writing Department follows the pattern of 'tracing all things with accuracy.' But where can reliable information be found? While the Internet is a convenient and quick source of vast amounts of information, our researchers do not rely on blogs or poorly documented Web entries written by unidentified or unqualified persons. For example, Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, warns that some articles on its own site "contain significant misinformation, unencyclopedic content, or vandalism," adding that "users need to be aware of this." Thus, the Writing Department looks to standard reference works, articles written by recognized experts, and books produced by respected publishers." - 2011 Yearbook, pages 9 and 10.

    1. Who writes the Society's publications? Isn't it "unidentified or unqualified persons"?
    2. Don't the Society's publications contain "significant misinformation" on closer inspection?
    3. How can the Writing Department be referring only to "books produced by respected publishers" when the recent quote about the "slaughter of apostates" was taken by a book by some guy that nobody had ever heard of?
    4. I would vouch for the accuracy of Wikipedia over Watchtower publications any day. At least you can force changes to any information that is wrong or misleading - not a recourse that is made available by the Watch Tower Society.
  • factfinder

    The YB says the society is careful about publishing accurate information-then why can't they provide accurate information about the size of the Wallkill printery or the number of books they print-I'm too tired to look for it now but the w had an article last year I think, on Brooklyn Bethel being 100 years old and included a chart on production for the previous years-yet they under counted book production.

    And try to find a consistant size for the Wallkill printery- the w, g, km and tour brochures have given conflicting figures. As for accuracy too-how can a 140,000 sq ft building have a floor that is larger than 9 football fields?

    I believe the information in the FEIS prepared by Kingdom Support Services and articles in the trade magazines gave a more accurate account of the Wallkill printery than the w or km does.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    What they said about Wiki is true, but they don't have the credibility to be making the statement, because their own sources are nameless and non-professional.

    Wiki is not accepted as source material in college.

    You will get a big fat F on your project if you cite Wiki.

  • 00DAD

    At least on Wikipedia you can generally go to the bottom of an article's page to find those "standard reference works, articles written by recognized experts, and books produced by respected publishers."

    Try finding sources in most WT publications! That was one thing that always REALLY bothered me. Why don't they properly CITE THEIR SOURCES? This is standard editorial practice. By 9th grade most High School Teachers won't even accept a paper if a student fails to properly CITE THEIR SOURCES!

  • WontLeave
    "The Watchtower will and always has used credible, authorative sources for the information it prints. All of the publications can be relied on 100% and verified easily." - Andre* from South America

    *Names have been changed

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