Last night whilst I was relaxing 2 elders came to my door to tell me I am officially DA'd because of my 'actions'. They weren't specific but I have been to Church and telling others about the WBT$ scandals.
I was told they thought I was rude for ignoring their letters and not attending my JC.
My reply: 'You were the rude ones for sending me hounding letters when I specifically asked you never to contact me!'
I got a 'hurumph' from the lead eldub.
I don't remember the whole conversation but they were annoyed I kept referring to the WBT$ as 'just a big business' but I told them they were on MY property uninvited so they'd have to listen to MY opinion and I don't have to listen to theirs.
Suffice to say I got some jabs well and truly in by telling them shunning is unchristian especially after July09 Awake 'no one should be forced to choose....etc' and how in the WT jan 1947 excommunication was said to be of pagan origin.
It'll fall on stoney ears and they'll just go away saying I've become angry and bitter...a 'mentally diseased apostate' just like the WBT$ said.
They were taken aback when I boldly declared: 'I don't regcognize your authority or any authority you think you have over me just because your corporation says so!'
They said I could return to the WBT$ later if I wanted. My reply: 'NEVER!'