I want to be a Jehovah's Witness again...

by TimothyT 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    You're better off where you are. Even with the minimal involvement I have now, it is still a burden having to particpate in the Org in any way, shape, or form. Just go on, living life to the fullest with your newfound freedom. You'll be happier for it.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    It's going to shrink in on itself like a white dwarf. No supernova explosion. Just a running out of fuel, a sigh, and only a tiny flickering candle will remain. I hope it comes in my lifetime and I'm confident that it will come in my child's lifetime.

  • WTWizard

    The best way to tear down the religion from the inside is to let them do it themselves. The "mentally diseased" article will do plenty, once the "I'm offended" lawsuits start hitting the fan. The "a generation" snafu should do a pretty good job, at least in turning away new recruits. Every little embarrassment, whether by offending someone, changing a major doctrine to something that makes no sense, or when a witless commits a major crime and it gets on the news is going to warn the public against joining the religion.

    And, if the public doesn't join, they are going to fizzle. Active witlesses will not leave en masse because they are programmed to stay in even if no one responds to their stupidity. But, they will not grow either. And they need new recruits to get their money (they already bled their own members dry) and to replace those who walk out on them. Otherwise, they are going to end up with numbers in the whole world like they are getting in Japan and New Zealand--down sharply.

  • NewChapter

    OH GEEZ----I saw the OP and was ready to run intervention. Carry on!

  • wobble

    I found as time went on after I left I could identify certain phases in my recovery. I went through the "How can we destry this evil organization" phase. And several other phases.

    Of course I would love to see the end of the WT, I would love to see my family free of it, and old friends, but I am now at the point where, yes if I can give a hand in things that may work toward those ends then fine, but in the Grand Scheme of Things, JWS/WT really don't matter.

    An anachronistic little apocalyptic high control cult that can be left to wither and die, that is all they are.

  • Quendi

    The great baseball pitcher Satchell Page once said, "Don't look back; something might be gaining on you." That is good advice, TimothyT, and I am sure you will follow it. Many of us have been where you are now and have moved on to better things. Living well is the best revenge as PSacramento reminds us, and that is what all of us want for you and yours as we strive to do the same ourselves.

    For my part, I rejoice that I do not ever have to set foot in a Kingdom Hall again. While I also have friends and family trapped inside this detestable cult that I earnestly want to leave it, I know that is a choice they must make for themselves. I can only make myself available to them if and when they ask for my help. Now that I am out, I can see what the old Irish blessing says. "May the road rise before you. May the sun be in your face and the wind at your back. May the rain fall softly on your fields; and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand." It doesn't get any better than that.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Living well is the best revenge. Being obssessed with them gives them even more power in your brain. You are going through a transition.

  • Finally-Free

    There are times when I think of going back, just to tell them to f*ck off all over again. The mood always passes within a few minutes. Even that is more time than they're worth.


  • N.drew

    If you get all evil-like, you will prove the "faithful slave" a faithful slave. They say we need them to remain holy. Let's all be holy, hey, why not? They will then feel so STUPID! And then we can say "told you so" instead of them saying "I told you so".

  • d

    The Jw's will destroy themselves. I once saw a witness I knew at Walmart he looked drained, tired and devoid of life. I am glad I left in 2008 or I would have looked just like that.The best revenage is to live life.

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