You'll note, OODAD, in my previous post that Franz reversed himself on the GB concept. Ancillary point of Brooklyn's "Oracle" getting it wrong on matters of importance is noteworthy.
edited to add: you're welcome!
by 00DAD 92 Replies latest jw friends
You'll note, OODAD, in my previous post that Franz reversed himself on the GB concept. Ancillary point of Brooklyn's "Oracle" getting it wrong on matters of importance is noteworthy.
edited to add: you're welcome!
CC: Yes that is an interesting observation about Franz reversal. How many JDubs know this? Not many I'm sure. I only recently learned it myself.
"Such fatuous naivete has cost us dearly."
duh-duh-duh, duhnt-duhnt, dun-dun, duhnt!
Here is an interesting point for consideration:
The GB LOVE to be organised! The terms 'organized', 'organization', 'organize' comes up about 22,000 times on the WT library. They are so interested in keeping files and records on EVERY SINGLE rank and file member, yet for some reason "The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers". HOW COULD THEY MISS THIS GROUP OUT? I would have thought keeping a list of these ones would be of most importance to such an organised group.
How strange!
TimothyT - good point. Amazingly, they do attempt to come up with an excuse for this:
w09 6/15
Are all these anointed ones throughout the earth part of a global network that is somehow involved in revealing new spiritual truths? No. Although as a composite body the slave class is responsible for feeding the spiritual household, not all individuals of the slave class have the same responsibilities or work assignments. (Read1 Corinthians12:14-18.) As noted earlier, in the first century, all were involved in the vital preaching work. But only a very limited number were used to write the books of the Bible and oversee the Christian congregation.
I think the fact that there was no network of anointed ones in the first century had more than a BIT to do with the fact that there was no internet or advanced communication technology! Also, there was no such thing as a Governing Body in the first century, so you can't liken the "work assignments" back then with those today. In any case the "work assignments" arose organically and were not delegated by a self-appointed centralized authority as they are today.
TimothyT - the disconnect here is glaring. Why oh why oh glorious GB members do you want to know about the 15 minutes Sister Oldenweary put in last month any yet you don't feel the need to keep track of the anointed, the ones that supposedly are the remaining ones of the Bride of Christ, the all important, Faithful and Discreet Slave that provide poor old Sister Oldenweary with her spiritual food?
There's something rotten in Brooklyn!
Doug Mason wrote a whole book on this hog-wash; it's here:
One thing that you can be confident in, is what gets written in todays Watchtower is not what was written years ago and you can also be confident
things written in the future will not coincide what is being written today.
This is man made organization, as people change their positions in the organization so do the expressed proclamations.
It was circumstances like this that made myself realize this organization wasn't guided by god or a special spiritual force,
it was men running a publishing house.
Thanks for the link Fokyc... i have read this book and i thought it was good!
Sorry to deviate from the thread 00DAD, but regarding my previous post then, why do the GB not care about keeping track of these annointed ones if they are so important? What is the motive of this decision? Is it power????
The Faithful and Discreet Slave could also be perceived as an element of market positioning among all the other Churches.
If your a head editor of a huge publishing house with hundreds of people essentially employed in this operation, would it not reasonable
to conclude that the leaders of this operation would stretch or embellish "The Truth" to suit theirs needs.
I don't find that surprising at all.