Rick Fearon's "Public Talk" Video :(

by Iamallcool 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iamallcool

    I would like to "hear" your comments, good or bad. Thanks!


  • baltar447

    Sorry couldn't get past the dumb parody song.

  • Iamallcool

    FYI, It works beyond that song.

  • Iamallcool

    Mouthy said he gave a good talk. I think she is trying to be nice to everyone.

  • mouthy

    No I am not lama!!!I listened to it & learned alot about the new rules of the WT

    1 .Was the picture of the internet wire being the "snake" like the one that was in the Garden of Eden
    liking it to the Garden of Eve.
    That was & is one way to keep their followers off the internet ,where thay might find out the lie's

    Believe me...I dont try to be nice to anyone...I give credit where I believe it is merited.
    You evidently dont like Rick.
    I love them both...they came out of the same CULT!!!!!!!!!I DID ,that is ,was HELL!!!!

  • Iamallcool

    mouthy, I am not LLama either. I am all cool.


  • blond-moment

    I don't blindly follow everything us so called "apostates" say. I don't blindly condemn either. There is much about this gentleman that I don't agree with, much of how he approaches things, just isn't my style I guess, however, this gentleman has said many things that have been helpful and encouraging. His "finds" point me to do my own research, and that too is helpful.

    One doesn't have to like everyone, but that doesn't make you enemies. One doesn't have to agree with everything, but that doesn't mean there aren't valid points being talked about. He cares. That to me, makes him worth listening to.

    One of the beautiful things about having a free mind today, is I am no longer told what I can read, who I can listen to, and what I can think about them. I get to make up my own mind. I repect others opinions as well, even if they differ from mine. I can often see their point of view. It is amazing to me, how being told, hearing other opinions would totally warp my own, therefore never listen to them. I am finding the opposite is true, I can respect someone elses opinion or view, and still keep my own. Viva la free mind!

  • mouthy

    Thanks Blonde-moment...nicely said

  • mouthy


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    You'll always be lama to me.

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